Restoring American chestnut: importance of Phytophthora root rot

TACF back-crossed chestnut growing in southern Fairfax County, Virginia

same chestnut, dying in 2021; probably from Phytopthora root rot

In the first half of the 20th Century, American chestnut (Castanea dentata) was functionally extirpated from US forests east of the Mississippi River by chestnut blight, caused by a fungus from Asia, Cryphonectria parasitica. Today, only 10% of the pre-blight chestnut population remains, most as root sprouts less than 2.5 cm dbh (Dalgleish et al. 2015; full citation at the end of the blog).

Volunteer organizations — with recent help from federal and state agencies – have worked for more than a century to develop chestnut trees resistant to the blight. Their aim is to restore the species to the forest.  Their decades of hybridization efforts now appear unlikely to produce a highly blight-resistant chestnut with a genome that is predominantly American, so TACF now plans to incorporate the use of transgenic techniques to enhance resistance to the blight fungus.

However, restoration of chestnut requires addressing a second Asian pathogen: Phytophthora cinnamomi, which causes a fatal root disease. Several studies indicate that up to 80% of seedlings are killed. The pathogen is widespread in soils south of 40o North Latitude, which falls just north of the Maryland-Pennsylvania line. Thus, P. cinnamomi occupies the southern half of American chestnut’s former range. Scientists expect this pathogen to move north in response to the warming climate; indeed, some project that the root disease could reach throughout the entire current chestnut range by 2080.

historic range of American chestnut

Gustafson et al. 2022 modelled chestnut’s vulnerability to P. cinnamomi to current and expected environmental conditions in two state forests in the Appalachians of western Maryland to evaluate the probable impact of the root disease on efforts to restore the tree species.

They found that root rot greatly reduced chestnut biomass on the landscape, even when resistance to root rot was at the target level for selection of root rot-resistant chestnut families using traditional breeding methods.

Gustafson et al. 2022 recommend that chestnut restoration apply the following strategies:

  • Locate restoration plantings at latitudes, elevations, and sites where root rot is not expected to be present well into the future. This probably means sites in the Northeastern US and Canada (Burgess et al. 2017)
  • Enhance the planting stock’s resistance to P. cinnamomi through breeding.
  • Identify soil conditions, including soil microbes, that suppress the pathogen or protect tree roots.
  • Since planting stock – both bareroot and containerized – can transmit P. cinnamomi, either raise seedlings in nurseries located outside the pathogen’s current range or rely on direct seeding. These strategies have their own downsides. Restricting locations of nurseries might complicate efforts to ensure seedlings are adapted to local conditions in the restoration area and seeds would need to be protected from seed predators.

The authors specify these additional important conditions:

  • Planting locations: while Canada is currently outside the range of American chestnut, the same climatic warming that will facilitate northward spread of P. cinnamomi will probably allow the tree to thrive farther north (Barnes and Delborne 2019). Perhaps the tree’s range will shift farther north than the pathogen’s.
  • Breeding: some resistance to Phytophthora root rot has been found in families providing blight resistance used in The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) breeding program. TACF now plans to cross individuals from those families with transgenic blight-resistant chestnut to combine both resistances.
  • Soils: P. cinnamomi is favored by compacted soils with poor aeration or that tend to remain saturated. These include heavy clay soils and those highly disturbed by agriculture or mining. Restoration sites should be non-disturbed, well-drained sites. (This recommendation contradicts others’ proposals that chestnuts be planted on reclaimed mining sites.) Silvicultural management should also minimize environmental stresses.
that dying chestnut trying to reproduce!

Restoring chestnut will be challenging in any case: successful restoration requires chestnut trees that can compete successfully in the forest and adapt to conditions which are now quite different from those a century ago when the species was dominant. These include abiotic factors, e.g., climate and atmospheric CO2 levels; and biotic factors, e.g., different forest pests and invasive plant species.

In an earlier publication, Gustafson and colleagues (Gustafson et al. 2018) modelled the effects of warmer temperature and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels on chestnut’s growth and competition and the tree’s adaptation to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. They concluded that aggressive restoration programs – involving clearcutting, then planting chestnuts – could restore chestnut as an important component of forested ecosystems in the Appalachian Mountains.  

However, this earlier study did not consider the effects of Phytophthora root rot. The 2022 study demonstrates that these recommendations are probably applicable only to the northernmost portion of former chestnut range, outside the areas infested by Phytophthora root rot, unless breeding is successful in substantially increasing resistance to root rot.

Several studies indicate American chestnut is highly susceptible to P. cinnamomi; rates of root rot induce mortality of 80% or higher have been documented. TACF has found that hybrid chestnut families selected for root rot resistance have a mortality rate of about 45%. Even with this level of tolerance, the model shows that chestnut could not regain anything approaching its former abundance on the landscape. Since the threat of P. cinnamomi to chestnut restoration has become evident, TACF is assessing how to integrate increased tolerance to root rot into their larger blight resistance breeding program (Westbrook et al. 2019).

Soil properties – texture, land use, drainage, waterlogging, drought, temperature, and water-holding capacity – influence infection. So does weather: a single heavy rain event might saturate soil sufficiently to facilitate a P. cinnamomi infection. For these reasons, climate change is expected to exacerbate its geographic spread and pathogenicity.

The sites used in both studies are at the center of chestnut’s former range, which is also at the northern edge of the root rot pathogen’s range. However, the two sites differ in important ways, especially in rainfall and soils. The researchers considered one a mesic site and the other, xeric.

Their 2022 model showed that root rot caused a dramatic reduction in chestnut biomass on both the mesic and xeric sites. Apparently temperature and wetness levels offset each other. That is, higher soil temperatures intensified P. cinnamomi virulence at the xeric site sufficiently to overcome its relative soil dryness. At the mesic site, soil temperature sometimes dropped to levels that are lethal to Phytophthora. On the whole, then, climate change is expected to intensify P. cinnamomi infection rates on both sites and reduce the number of sites where the pathogen is absent.

Gustafson et al. (2022) discuss several assumptions and data gaps that require further study.


Barnes, J.C. and Delborne, J.A., 2019. Rethinking restoration targets for American chestnut using species distribution modeling. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28(12), pp.3199-3220.

Burgess, T.I., Scott, J.K., Mcdougall, K.L., Stukely, M.J., Crane, C., Dunstan, W.A., Brigg, F., Andjic, V., White, D., Rudman, T. and Arentz, F., 2017. Current and projected global distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi, one of the world’s worst plant pathogens. Global Change Biology23(4), pp.1661-1674.

Dalgleish, H.J., Nelson, C.D., Scrivani, J.A. and Jacobs, D.F., 2015. Consequences of shifts in abundance and distribution of American chestnut for restoration of a foundation forest tree. Forests7(1), p.4.

Gustafson, E.J., B.R. Miranda, T.J. Dreaden, C.C. Pinchot, D.F. Jacobs. 2022. Beyond blight: Phytophthora root rot under climate change limits populations of reintro Am chestnut Ecosphere. 2022;13:e3917.

Gustafson, E.J., A.M.G. De Bruijn, N. Lichti, D.F. Jacobs, B.R. Sturtevant, D.M. Kashian, B.R. Miranda, and P.A. Townsend. 2018. “Forecasting Effects of Tree Species Reintroduction Strategies on Carbon Stocks in a Future without Historical Analog.” Global Change Biology 24: 5500–17.

Westbrook, Jared W., et al. “Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in American chestnut (Castanea dentata) backcross populations that descended from two Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) sources of resistance.” Plant disease 103.7 (2019): 1631-1641.

Posted by Faith Campbell

[An earlier version of this blog has now been corrected, with additional sources added. I think Cornelia Pinchot, USFS, for the corrections.]

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


West Coast Steps Up Efforts to Protect Ash

Oregon-ash dominated swamp in the Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge, Willamette Valley, Oregon; photo by Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry

In April 2022 I blogged about efforts on the West Coast to prepare for arrival of the emerald ash borer (EAB).

That blog focused on Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), which is an important component of riparian forests. I alerted you to the availability of ODA/ODF EAB 2018 Response Plan.

I also mentioned Oregon’s active participation in “don’t move firewood” campaigns.

California has long inspected incoming firewood. In 2021 it establishment of a state quarantine in response to APHIS ending the federal quarantine. Washington State operates a statewide trapping program for invasive insects but does not regulate firewood.

Contributions from the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District enabled the USDA Forest Service Dorena Genetic Resource Center to begin testing Oregon ash for resistance to EAB and related genetics work. Other funding came from the USFS Forest Health Protection program.

EAB has now been detected in Oregon — in the Willamette Valley! (See photo above, by Wyatt Williams) Concerned stakeholders have established a new newsletter to keep people informed and promote cooperative efforts.

The newsletter is “Ash across the West”.

The first issue of the newsletter provides the following information:

  • there are eight ash species in the West; all are vulnerable to the emerald ash borer (EAB)

Single-leaf ash (Fraxinus anomala)     CA, NV, AZ, UT, NM, CO, WY

Fragrant ash (Fraxinus cuspidata)       NV, AZ, NM, UT

Calif ash (Fraxinus dipetala)               CA, NV, AZ, UT

Fresnillo (Fraxinus gooddingii)               AZ

Gregg’s ash (Fraxinus greggii)                        AZ

OR ash (Fraxinus latifolia)                  WA, OR, CA

Chihuahuan ash (Fraxinus papillosa)    AZ, NM, TX

Velvet ash (Fraxinus velutina)                         CA, NV, AZ, UT, NM, TX

  • EAB Risk Map for OR: based upon known occurrences of ash & corresponding human activities associated with known pathways of EAB introduction and establishment.
  • 2022 status of the two field trials
    • the Dorena Genetic Resource Center (DGRC): planted 600 seedlings from 27 families; 85% survival in 2022; controlling competing vegetation
    • Washington State University Puyallup Research Center: planted seedlings from 26 of these families; 95% survival rate. Possible complication from a foliar disease.  
  • Seedlings from 17 Oregon ash families (including 14 of those in the DGRC field trial) sent to Dr. Jennifer Koch (USFS) in Ohio) for EAB resistance/susceptibility testing.
  • Seed collections began in 2019; interrupted by COVID-19 in 2020 but resumed in 2021 and continue in 2022. Several consortia are involved in Oregon and Washington. In California and the other states, The Huntington Botanical Gardens will lead the collecting effort. Funding is from USFS Forest Health Protection. Seeds are stored for gene conservation; some are used for the field trials in Oregon and Washington and the initial EAB-resistance studies going on in Ohio.
  • Penn State Ash Genomic Project: Dr. Jill Hamilton is trying to create a ‘genomic passport’ for Oregon ash populations for use in establishing genotype-environment associations to inform seed transfer guidelines. If you would like to help Dr. Hamilton collect leaves for sampling, contact: Dr. Jill Hamilton at

To help with seed collection, ash monitoring, documenting the importance of ash to various communities, and other activities; or to get on the mailing list for the newsletter, contact Richard Sniezko at

A video explaining the campaign to save Oregon ash is at

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Hemlock biocontrol – need summer parasitoids

healthy hemlocks in Cook Forest, Pennsylvania; photo by F.T. Campbell

I blogged recently about North Carolina’s multi-pronged hemlock conservation program. As noted there, scientists are putting considerable hope in biological control as the most promising strategy to protect eastern (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlocks (T. caroliniana) from the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA; Adelges tsugae). For a more detailed discussion of the adelgid’s life cycle, go here.    

A new study by Crandall, Lombardo and Elkinton (full citation at end of blog) cheers us by supporting the probable efficacy of this approach – as long as a complete suite of biocontrol agents is deployed. The study points to the need to introduce additional biocontrol agents, specifically those that feed in the summer.

The study analyzed the relative importance of two different mechanisms to protect plants from herbaceous insects: do some hemlock species have an enhanced ability to fend off the adelgid (bottom-up protection); or do predators apply sufficient pressure (top-down protection) to reduce adelgid populations to levels that the tree can withstand?  The study simultaneously analyzed

(1) the relative importance of summer-active and winter-active native predators;

(2) whether HWA colonization and abundances differed on western and eastern hemlock species;

(3) the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up forces on HWA feeding on western and eastern hemlocks in the adelgid’s native range;

4) tested whether the adelgid is ubiquitous at low densities across the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and compared HWA abundance in PNW to invaded range in New England.

The study was carried out in Washington State, where both western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and HWA are native. They were able to compare adelgid impacts on eastern hemlock because the tree is planted in parks and gardens in the PNW.

Eastern hemlock infested by HWA; USDAFS via Bugwood

In an earlier study, (Crandall et al. 2020) found that L. nigrinus was not able to reduce HWA densities in the east. Laricobius spp have their greatest impact on HWA by larval feeding on the progrediens eggs produced by the sistens. However, 90% of hatching progrediens die naturally because there are a finite number of needles for them to settle on. To have an impact on HWA populations, Laricobius spp would have to prey on more than 90% of progrediens eggs. The solution appears to be summer-active predators – e.g., silver flies — which feed on the progrediens eggs and the sistens eggs which the progrediens generation lays.

western hemlock in British Columbia; photo by F.T. Campbell


  • Western hemlock is a native host of the adelgid. Crandall, Lombardo, and Elkinton found no evidence that western hemlock’s structure, chemistry, or other attributes help it fend off adelgid attack. The proportion of branches colonized by HWA was significantly higher on western than on eastern hemlock. Indeed, HWA populations were able to reach levels similar to those in eastern North America and were able to persist on western hemlock for multiple generations. Thus there is no evidence for bottom-up control of HWA on western hemlock.
  • HWA survival was significantly lower on branches of western hemlock when predators were allowed access. Crandall assumes that the smaller, non-significant, decrease in HWA densities on eastern hemlocks in the Pacific Northwest is also attributable to predation, although the data are too few to support a definitive conclusion. These predators included a species that has been released as a biocontrol agent in the east, Laricobius nigrinus. More important, apparently, was the presence of summer-active predators, including Leucotaraxis spp. and generalists. These summer-active predators are active from the progrediens nymph stage in April through the aestivating sistens nymph stage until about October. Laricobius nigrinus doesn’t become active until September. These results support the hypothesis that predator-caused mortality is responsible for suppressing HWA during rare and localized outbreaks on western hemlock in the PNW. In the east there are no native natural enemies that attack HWA – which is introduced to the region.
  • Effective control of HWA on the eastern naïve hosts will require establishment of a suite of predators which – together — attack the adelgid during both summer and winter.While several possible biocontrol agents have been introduced in the region, and at least some – e.g., Laricobius nigrinus – have established self-sustaining populations, are spreading, and have high predation rates, they have had very limited success in reducing HWA populations. Crandall, Lombardo and Elkinton say these data support the recent decision by the USDA Forest Service to augment the HWA biocontrol effort by introducing two species of silver flies, Leucotaraxis argenticollis and Le. piniperda, that feed on both the sistens and progrediens generations in PNW.
  • Tree-adelgid interactions are probably significantly affected by the lineage of both – whether the tree species has co-evolved with the specific lineage of the adelgid with which it is interacting. Crandall, Lombardo and Elkinton think evaluation of any Tsuga species’ resistance to HWA or any potential biocontrol agent needs to be studied in relation to the appropriate lineage of the adelgid.

When they compared HWA abundance (in 2021) on hemlock forests in western Washington with HWA abundance at introduced HWA range in New England, Crandall, Lombardo and Elkinton found that HWA abundance was higher in New England. They note that these comparisons are between two different linages of HWA – the lineage native to PNW and the introduced Japanese lineage in the East.

The authors note that HWA densities in the PNW are higher at the urban site (Seattle) than rural sites. Perhaps the reason is lower densities of HWA predators in non-forest settings because some, e.g., La. nigrinus, require a duff layer for pupation. Duff layers are rarely permitted to accumulate in urban areas. The authors call for studies to assess the relative abundance and identify factors affecting the abundance of HWA predators in rural and urban settings.


Crandall R.S., Jubb C.S., Mayfield A.E., Thompson B., McAvoy T.J., Salom S.M. and J.S. Elkinton. 2020. Rebound of Adelges tsugae spring generation following predation on overwintering generation ovisacs by the introduced predator Laricobius nigrinus in the eastern United States. Biological Control 145, 104-264.

Crandall, R.S., J.A. Lombardo, and J.S. Elkinton. 2022. Top-down regulation of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) in its native range in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Oecologia 199, 599-609.

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Funding APHIS & USFS in FY23 – Senate Recommendations

The Senate Appropriations Committee has adopted its recommendations for funding APHIS and the US Forest Service in Fiscal Year 2023, which begins on October 1. The full Senate has not yet acted; most people expect that it will not act before October, so the agencies will have to operate under a “continuing resolution” for at least the first several months. Under a “CR”, funding is maintained at the current level.

SOD-infected rhododendron plants detected by state officials in Indiana in 2019

Funding for APHIS in FY23

The Senate Appropriations Committee issued a report [available here] that recognizes APHIS’ objective of protecting the animal and plant resources of the Nation from diseases and pests. These objectives are carried out through, inter alia, Safeguarding and Emergency Preparedness/Response and Safe Trade and International Technical Assistance.

The Committee recommends the following funding for specific APHIS programs (in $millions)

Border inspections (AQI appropriated)33.84936.725 36.650X
Pest Detection28.21829.13729.82529.07530
Methods Development21.21721.85431.80723.55723
Specialty Crops209.533219.533219.698222.072219
Tree & Wood pests61.21762.85462.56262.71970
Subtotal, Plant health379.144385.560 397.603X
Emerg. Prepare & Response42.02144.242 44.317X

Specific programs mentioned:

  1. Northern (Asian) giant hornet eradication: $1.75 million to continue cooperation with Washington State to eradicate this pest; also to improve monitoring methods and lures, and build a rapid response platforms
  2. sudden oak death (SOD): recognize that the EU1 and NA1 strains of this pathogen threaten Douglas-fir / tanoak forests and lead foreign governments to impose quarantines on U.S. timber exports. So APHIS should spend no less that FY22 funding to better understand threat and treatment methods in wildlands. This earmark disappoints because it focuses on APHIS’ role as certifying timber exports as pest-free rather than the spread of the pathogen within the U.S. via the nursery trade. The same language appears in the report’s discussion of the Agriculture Research Service (see below).

Pertinent action re: Agriculture Research Service

The Senate Committee report sets several priorities, including the following:

  1. Invasive Pests: The Committee is concerned about the threats invasive pests pose to agriculture, the economy, environment, human health, and national security of the Pacific region. The Committee directs ARS to continue working with stakeholders in the region to assess options for combatting invasive species, including biocontrol research facilities, containment facilities, additional laboratory space.
  2. Sudden oak death: the same language as for APHIS. Again, I wish the language referred to the pathogen’s spread via the nursery trade.

These numbers are disappointing; the increase for “specialty crops” demonstrates the lobbying clout of the nursery and berry industries! I appreciate the attention to sudden oak death – with the caveat I mentioned.

SOD-infected tanoaks in southern Oregon; photo by Oregon Department of Forstry

Forest Service

The Senate Appropriations Committee issued a report [available here] . The Senate Appropriations Committee recommends the following funding levels for USFS programs that address non-native forest pests and other invasive species (in $millions):

State & Private Forest Health Protection TOTAL4859.232$52.2325083
S&P FHP Federal lands16,00022,485?17,00051
S&P FHP non-federal lands32,00036,747?33,00032


The Senate wants to retain the current structure of five regional stations, International Institute of Tropical Forestry, and Forest Products Laboratory.

The Senate listed several research priorities. Two pertain to forest health: 1) needle pathogens, and 2) Northeastern States Research Cooperative working to sustain the health of northern forest ecosystems and biological diversity management. I am disappointed that no mention is made of the need to respond to 400 introduced tree-killing insects and pathogens.

planting to test ash trees’ resistance to emerald ash borer; photo courtesy of Jennifer Koch, USFS


The Senate Committee recommends a significant increase in S&P overall ($8 million above FY22 level), but not for Forest Health Management. This is disappointing.

The Committee is concerned about high tree mortality on National Forests due to bark beetle infestations and instructs USFS to work with states and tribes to prioritize insect prevention, suppression & mitigation projects.

The Committee expects the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to continue efforts to treat sudden oak death in California and Oregon. It provides $3 million for this purpose, including for partnerships with private landowners.

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Breeding Tree Resistance: New Science and Call to Action on New Legislation

grafted beech at Holden Arboretum – for resistance breeding tests

Two USFS experts have published a chapter describing the components needed to succeessfully breed trees resistant to threatening pests. [See full citation at end of blog.]

As Sniezko and Nelson note, the threat from non-native pests and pathogens to forest health and associated economic and ecological benefits is widespread and increasing. Further, once such a pest becomes well-established – as some 400 pest species now are — few strategies to save affected species exist except a program to enhance the species’ pest resistance.

From a technical point of view, Sneizko and Nelson find reason for hope. Most tree species have some genetic variation on which scientists can build. It is likely that a well-designed and well-focused breeding program can identify parent trees with some pest resistance; select the most promising; and breed progeny from those parents with sufficient resistance to restore a species.

Furthermore, they say, progress can be made fairly quickly. Scientists can focus on developing genetically resistant populations while postponing studies aimed at understanding details of the mechanisms and inheritance of the obtained resistance.

Fifty years of breeding have revealed the techniques and strategies that work best. As a result, application of classical tree improvement procedures can lead to development of pest-resistant populations within a decade or so in some cases, several decades in others. The time needed depends on the specifics of the pest-host relationship, level of resistance required – and resources available.

In addition, advances in biotechnology can accelerate development of resistance. Tools include improved clonal propagation, marker-assisted selection, and genetic engineering to add resistance gene(s) not present in the tree species.

Port-Orford cedars in controlled breeding stage at Dorena; photo by Richard Sniezko, USFS

Sniezko and Nelson identify basic facilities needed to support successful breeding programs:

(a) growing space (e.g., greenhouses);

(b) seed handling and cold storage capacity;

(c) inoculation infrastructure;             

(d) field sites for testing;

(e) database capability for collecting, maintaining, and analyzing data;

(f) areas for seed orchard development;

(g) skilled personnel (tree breeders, data managers, technicians, administrative support personnel, and access to expertise in pathology and entomology).

Absolutely essential is continuity of higher-ups’ and public’s support.

Sniezko and Nelson note that a resistance breeding program differs from other research projects in its objectives, magnitude and focus. It is an action-oriented effort that is solution-minded—countering the impact of a major disturbance caused by a pest (in our case, a non-native pest).  

See the article for more detailed descriptions of each step in the process.

There are two basic stages:

Phase 1:exploration to assess whether sufficient genetic variation in resistance exists in the species. This involves locating candidate resistant trees, preferably across the affected geographic range impacted by the pest; developing and applying short-term assay(s) to screen hundreds or thousands of candidate trees; and determine the levels of resistance present. In addition to those objectives Phase 1 also begins to evaluate the durability and stability of resistance. It is vital to inform stakeholders of progress and engage them in deciding whether and how to proceed.

Phase 2: develop resistant planting stock for use in restoration. This stage relies on tree improvement practices developed over a century, and applies the knowledge gained in Phase 1. Steps include scaling up the screening protocol; selecting the resistant candidates or progeny to be used; establishing seed orchards or other methods to deliver large numbers of resistant stock for planting; and additional field trials to further validate and delineate resistance.

The authors argue that, at present U.S. forestry programs lack a coordinated, focused resistance breeding program based on the components described above. The Dorena Genetic Resource Center (DGRC) – established in 1966 in Oregon and supported primarily by the USDA Forest Service’s regional State and Private Forestry program and National Forest System — fits the bill. The DGRC has sufficient facilities and resources to screen simultaneously tens of thousands of seedlings from thousands of parent trees belonging to several species. Its staff have built up invaluable experience.

However, the Center is regional in scope and focus. (Staff are pleased to offer advice to colleagues working in other parts of the country.) Who will ensure that we make progress on restoring the dozens of tree species in the East under threat from invasive pests? The ashes, hemlocks, elms, beeches, oaks, Fraser fir, dogwoods, redbay and swamp bays, sassafras all need help (Profiles of these trees’ pest challenges can be found at here. [Chestnut and possibly the chinkapins have the benefit of a well-established charity …]

ash killed by EAB; photo by Nate Siegert, USFS

Three case studies illustrate how the process has worked for three groups of species: 1) five-needle pines (subgenus Strobus);  2) Port-Orford cedar (Chamecyparis lawsonii); 3) resistance to fusiform rust (Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme – a native pathogen) in southern pines.

New Possibilities

Resistance breeding programs are simplest to undertake when tree improvement facilities and experienced staff are already in place. It is most unfortunate that their number has declined significantly. However, a Congressional mandate to pursue resistance breeding as a strategy can partially retrieve and add needed resources.

Some members of Congress have taken steps to partially restore resistance breeding programs.  H.R. 1389, cosponsored by Reps. Welch (D-VT), Kuster and Pappas (both D-NH), Stefanik (R-NY), Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Thompson, (D-CA), Ross (D-NC) Pingree (D-ME). Then-Rep. Antonio Delgado also co-sponsored, before resigning to become Lieutenant Governor of New York.

The bill would establish separate grant programs to fund work under the two phases outlined by Sniezko and Nelson. It relies on grants rather than setting up Dorena-like facilities in other parts of the country. Scientists are already setting up consortia to provide the needed facilities and long-term stability e.g., Great Lakes Basin Forest Health Collaborative. Will that be enough?

The most likely way to create a national tree resistance program is to incorporate these ideas into the next Farm Bill – due to be adopted next year (2023).

You can help by contacting members of the House and Senate Agriculture committees and urging them to include in the bill either H.R. 1389 or a more comprehensive program that does establish centers analogous to Dorena.

Also convey your support to USDA leadership – especially the Forest Service and Agriculture Research Service. (APHIS should be part of the team, but its focus is on strategies with more immediate effect.)

As Sniezko and Nelson state, a key component for success is a core group of stakeholders who

  1. realize the problem (threat to a tree species’ role in the environment);
  2. acknowledge that resistance breeding offers the best avenue for maintaining the species of concern; and
  3. express a willingness to invest in a solution that could take one or more decades.

Will YOU be part of this team?

I note that Bonello et al., 2020 (citation below) suggested a new structure to provide the needed focus and coordination. Adoption of H.R. 1389 would partially realize this. The bill calls for a study to examine the benefits of establishing a more secure foundation within USDA for addressing tree-killing pests.

Scott Schlarbaum made similar points in Chapter 6 of Fading Forests III, published in 2014. See links below.


Bonello, P., F.T. Campbell, D. Cipollini, A.O. Conrad, C. Farinas, K.J.K. Gandhi, F.P. Hain, D. Parry, D.N. Showalter, C. Villari, K.F. Wallin. 2020. Invasive tree Pests Devastate Ecosystems – A Proposed New Response Framework. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. January 2020. Volume 3.

Sniezko, R.A. and C.D. Nelson.  2022. Chapter 10, Resistance breeding against tree pathogens. In Asiegbu and Kovalchuk, editors. Forest Microbiology Volume 2: Forest Tree Health; 1st Edition. Elsevier

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Updates on 1) hemlocks 2) shot hole borers/Fusarium & 3) beech leaf disease

symptoms of beech leaf disease; photo by Dr. Chagas de Freitas

Three webinars during April and May provided updates on efforts to address three non-native, tree-killing pests: hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), link invasive shot hole borers (ISHB), link and beech leaf disease (BLD) link. I attended each and summarize here.  

  1. Hemlock conservation in North Carolina  – the NC Hemlock Restoration Initiative (HRI) see  

The webinar was recorded at Hope for the Hemlocks: HWA Management Approaches on Public and Private Lands in North Carolina.  You probably need to be a member of the Natural Areas Association to watch the archived version.

I was pleased to learn about the major effort under way in North Carolina, where eastern and Carolina hemlocks are extremely important components of multiple ecosystems. In 2013, the Commissioner of Agriculture decided to make protecting hemlocks a signature project. He wanted to ensure that three state agencies – the Forest Service, Wildlife Department, and State Parks – worked together to improve the efficacy of treating trees. (Treatments available at the time were expensive and time-consuming.)

HRI treatment at Conestee Falls; HRI photo

Thom Green described the result: North Carolina’s Hemlock Restoration Initiative (HRI). The initiative is administered by the Western North Carolina Communities – a non-governmental organization with strong connections to rural communities and a history of successful collaborative projects that support agriculture and forestry. It engages state agencies, local and county governments, local NGOs, and federal agencies and works on both public and private lands with the goal of ensuring that hemlocks can survive to maturity.

HRI staff work with local partners to identify priority hemlock conservation areas (HCAs). It then sends a “strike team” to guide the partners in treating as many trees as possible. (North Carolina allows non-licensed volunteers to apply pesticides under supervision; also, landowners can treat trees on their own property.) These collaborative projects can treat up to 1,000 trees per day.

The chemicals used are imidacloprid and, where poor tree health justifies emergency treatment, dinotefuran. These are usually applied as a soil drench because it is easier for people to transport the equipment into the woods. Bark spray is used in sensitive areas. They have found that imidacloprid provides five to seven years of protection. A new product, CoreTech, is even easier to transport and works much faster than imidacloprid, however, it costs more.

The HRI believes it is minimizing non-target impacts of the neonictenoid imidacloprid because:

  • hemlocks are pollinated by wind, not insects
    • hemlocks don’t exude resins that attract insects
    • pesticide applications are tightly targetted at the base of trunk, with 10-foot setbacks from water
    • long intervals between treatments (5 – 7 years) allow soil invertebrates to recover

The program has treated 100,000 trees between 2016 and 2021 on state and private lands. Now they are starting the second round of treatments for trees treated at the beginning of the program.

Treatment priorities are based primarily on the extent to which the trees are able to take up the chemical, evaluated by the percentage of the crown that is alive and the density of foliage. Since imidacloprid can take a year to reach the canopy of a mature tree, it is used only on trees with greater than half the crown rated as healthy. When trees have a lower status, dinotefuran is added (because it can reach the canopy within weeks).  Trees with less than 30% live crown are not treated.

The Initiative also supports biocontrol programs. It has assisted releases of Laricobius nigrinis (a beetle in the family Derodontidae) and helps volunteers monitor releases and survival. Dr. Green reports that L. nigrinis has spread almost throughout western North Carolina but that questions remain regarding its impact on tree health. He thinks biocontrol is not yet reliable as stand-alone tool; success will require a suite of predatory insects.

Forest Restoration Alliance potting hemlock seedlings; HRI photo

The HRI measures the success of various treatments (Hurray!). “Impact plots” are established at the start of treatment. Staff or volunteers return every three years to monitor all aspects of the health of a few designated trees – including untreated ones. So far, they have seen encouraging responses in crown density and new growth.

  • Invasive Shot Hole Borers (ISHB) in California

See and video recordings of the meeting at: (Day 1); and (Day 2)

A host of scientists from California spent two full days describing research and management projects funded by specific state legislation – Assembly Bill (AB)-2470 on two invasive shot hole borers.

Adoption of this legislation resulted largely from lobbying by John Kabashima. Additional funding was provided by CalFire (the state’s forestry agency). The agency responsible for managing invasive species – California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) had designated these organisms as not a threat to agriculture. So it did not fund many necessary activities.

The Problem and Where It Is

“Fusarium dieback” is the disease caused by this insect-pathogen complex. The insects involved are two ambrosia beetles in the Euwallacea genus – the polyphagous (E. whitfordiodendrus) and Kuroshio (E. Kuroshio) shot hole borers. link to DMFAccording to Dr. Bea Nabua-Behermann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor with University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), other fungi are present on both beetle species but its matching Fusarium sp. is the principal associated fungus and is required for the beetle’s reproduction. These are Fusarium euwallaceae and F. kuroshium.

As of spring 2022, the beetle/fungus complex has spread as far north as Santa Barbara /Santa Clarita; and inland to San Bernardino and Riverside (see the map here). They are very widespread in Orange and San Diego counties. At least 65 tree species in southern California are reproductive hosts (globally, it is 77 species; see full list here). The preferred and most succeptible hosts are several species in the Acer, Parkinsonia, Platanus, Quercus, and Salix genera. Box elder (A. negundo) is so susceptible that it is considered a sentinel tree.

Because the beetles spend most of their life inside trees, their life cycle leaves few opportunities to combat them. Females (only) fly but tend to bore galleries on their natal tree. Several speakers on the webinar said management should focus on heavily infested “amplifier trees”. Much spread is human assisted since the beetles can survive in dead wood for months if it is damp enough for the fungus.  Possible vectors are green waste, firewood, and even large wood chips or mulch.

Management – from Trapping to Rapid Response to Restoration

Akiv Eskalen of University of California Davis discussed trapping and monitoring techniques to confirm presence of the insect and pathogen. Also, he talked about setting priorities for treating trees based on the presence of reproductive hosts, host value, infestation level, and whether the trees pose a safety hazard. The disease causes too little damage to some hosts to warrant management. He emphasized the importance of preventing spread. This requires close monitoring of infested trees to see whether beetles move to neighbors. Dr. Eskalen described a major and intensive monitoring and treatment program at Disneyland. The 600 acres of parks, hotels, and parking lots have ~16,000 trees belonging to 681 species.

Several speakers described on-going efforts in Orange County. Danny Hirchag (IPM manager for Orange County Parks) described how his agency is managing 60,000 acres of variable woodlands containing 42,000 trees, of which 55% are hosts of ISHB and their associated fungi. Of greatest concern are California sycamore and coast live oak in areas of heavy public use. The highest priority is protecting public safety; next is protecting historic trees (which can’t be replaced); third is minimizing impacts to ecosystem services. Orange County Parks is currently removing fewer than 50 trees each year. Hirchag noted the importance of collaborating in the research trials conducted by the University of California Cooperative Extension.

infested California sycamore; photo by Bea Nabua-Behermann

Maximiliano Regis and Rachel Burnap, of County of Los Angeles Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures, described Los Angeles County’s efforts more broadly. The challenge is clear: LA County has more than 160 parks. In 2021, they placed nearly 2,500 traps, mapped infected trees, carried out on-ground surveys to find amplifier trees, removed both amplifier and hazard trees (using funds provided by CalFire), and educated the public. Their efforts were guided by an early detection-rapid response (ED/RR) Plan (2019) developed by Rosi Dagit (see below). While London plane trees (Platanus hispanica) and California sycamores (Platanus racemose) were initially most affected, now black locusts (Robinia pseudoacacia) and box elders (Acer negundo) are succumbing. [Note: both are widespread across North America.] The researchers are trying to determine why some areas are largely untouched, despite the presence of the same tree species. Regis and Burnap noted the increasing difficulty getting confirmation of the pathogen’s presence because laboratories are overwhelmed. They continue looking for funding sources.

Rosi Dagit, Senior Conservation Biologist, Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, described the creation of that ED/RR system for Los Angeles County as a whole, without regard for property lines. Participants established random study plots across the entire Santa Monica Mountains Natural Recreation Area (NRA), based on proximity to areas of particularly sensitive ecological concerns. The fact that the NRA’s forests are aging and that the risk of infestations is especially high in riparian forests helped persuade policy-makers to fund the effort. The accompanying rapid response plan informs everyone about what to do, who should do it, and who pays. This information incorporates agencies’ rules about what and where to plant. It also provides measures to evaluate whether the action was effective. It did take more than two years for the county to set staffing needs etc.

John Kabashima link discussed his criteria for replanting and ecosystem restoration following tree removal in the southern California region. He recommends prompt removal of amplifier trees – especially box elder and California sycamore. He relies on replanting guidance developed by UC-Irvine (which is on the website) – especially avoiding monocultures. Kabashima reiterated the importance of close monitoring to track beetle populations and responding quickly if they build up.

Economics of Urban Forests and Cities Most at Risk

Karen Jetter (an economist at the UC Agriculture Issues Center) has developed a model to compare the costs of an early detection program to the environmental and monetary costs of infestation by Fusarium disease.  She noted that early detection and monitoring programs are often hard to justify because — when they are successful — nothing changes! She found that averted or delayed costs (including tree removals, lost ecosystem services, lost landscape asset value [replanting value] and the cost to replant) always far exceeded the cost of monitoring programs. Unfortunately, a written report about this effort (Jetter, K., A. Hollander, B.E. Nobua-Behrmann, N. Love, S. Lynch, E. Teach, N. Van Dorne, J. Kabashima, and J. Thorne. 2022. Bioeconomic Modeling of Invasive Species Management in Urban Forests; Final Report)   appears to be available only through the University of California “collaborative tools” website dedicated to practitioners and stakeholders engaged on ISHB issues. If you are not a member of the list, contact me using the comment button and ask that I send it to you. Include your email address (the comment process makes determining emails difficult if not impossible.)

Shannon Lynch (UC Davis) developed a model to estimate vulnerability of urban areas based on phylogenetic structure (relationship between tree species), host abundance, and number of beetle generations/year (linked to temperature). She found that areas with less favorable host communities can become vulnerable if the climate becomes favorable. Where the host community is already favorable, climate not important.

She evaluated 170 California cities based on their tree inventories. The cities at highest risk were San Diego, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay area, and the Central Valley – e.g., Sacramento. For areas lacking tree inventories, she based her risk determination on the estimated number of generations of beetles per year – based on climate. This analysis posited a very high risk in the eastern half of southern California and the Central Valley. Participants all recognized the need to apply this model to cities in Arizona and Nevada.

Possible Management Strategies

Shannon Lynch (UC Davis) studied whether endophytes might be used to kill the Fusarium fungi. She reported finding 771 fungal strains and 657 bacterial strains in tree microbiomes. Some of the fungal isolates impeded growth of the Fusarium fungi in a petri dish. She began testing whether these fungi can be used to inoculate cuttings that are to be used for restoration. She also planned to test more endophytes, and more native plant species to explore creation of a multi-fungus cocktail.

Richard Stouthamer of UC Riverside is exploring possible biocontrol agents. Of three he has evaluated, the most promising is Phasmastichus sp., which is new to science. He is still trying to establish laboratory cultures so he can test its host specificity.


symptoms of beech leaf disease; photo by Dr. Chagas de Freitas

At this meeting, scientists described research aimed at improving basic understanding of beech leaf disease’s causal agents, its mechanisms of spread, etc.  Their findings are mostly preliminary.

These findings are of greatest importance now:

  • presence of the nematodes varies considerably across leaf surface – if one collects samples from the wrong site on leaf, one won’t detect nematode (Paulo Vieria, Agriculture Research Service)
    • developing predictive risk maps that combines temperature, humidity, elevation, soils (Ersan Selvi, Ohio State). So far, he has found that BLD is greater in humid areas – including under closed forest canopies. The USFS is funding studies aimed at incorporating disease severity in detection apps.
    • determining extent of nematode presence. Sharon Reed of Ontario has found nematode DNA in trap fluids throughout the Province. It is much more common at known disease sites. Reed is also studying the presence of arthropods on beech leaves and buds.

Longer term findings and questions

  • possible vectors:
    • nematode DNA has been detected from birds – although it is not clear whether the DNA came from bird  feces, feathers, or dust (DK Martin)
    • a few live nematodes have been extracted from the excrement of caterpillars that fed on infected leaves (Mihail Kantor, ARS)
    • nematode damage to leaves:
      • presence of the nematode in leaf buds before they open (Vieria and Joe Mowery, both ARS). The nematode can create considerable damage in leaf buds before they open. Nematodes are present as early as October of the preceding year.
      • damage to leaves by nematode (Mowery, ARS) Leaf epidermal cells are distorted, stomata blocked, chlorobasts are larger than normal, irregular shape
    • possible management tools
      • are there parasites that might attack the nematode? (Paulo Vieria, ARS)
      • experimental treatment of infested trees using phosphite (Kandor, ARS)
    • ecology: how do root microbiomes compare on infested and healthy trees? (Caleb Kime, Ohio State; and David Burke, Vice President for Science at Holden Arboretum)
infested European beech in Rhode Island; photo by Dr. Nathanial A. Mitkowski

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Help Ensure Best Pest-Countering Programs Possible!

This blog asks YOU!!! to support funding for key USDA programs. Each is essential for protecting the resilience of the Nation’s forests in the face of invasive pests. Please help by contacting your members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. I provide a list of members – by state – at the end of this blog.

While the two key federal programs overlap, they are separately managed: USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and USDA’s Forest Service (USFS). These two agencies are funded by different subcommittees of the House and Senate’s Appropriations committees. APHIS is funded by the Subcommittees on Agriculture and Related Agencies. USFS is funded by the Subcommittees on Interior.

Your letter or email need be no more than a couple paragraphs. To make the case for greater funding, feel free to pick-and-choose from the information that follows. Your greatest impact comes from speaking specifically about what you know and where you live.

These are the specific dollar things we’d like you to ask for. The rationale for each is below.

Appropriations for APHIS programs (in $millions)

ProgramFY 2021FY 2022  CRFY 2023 Pres’ requestPlease ask
Tree & Wood Pest$60.456$61.217$63 $70
Specialty Crops$196.553$209.553$219 $219
Pest Detection$27.733$28.218$29 $30
Methods Development$20.844$21.217$22 $23

Appropriations for USFS programs (in $millions)

ProgramFY 2021FY 2022  CRFY 2023 Pres’ requestPlease ask
Forest Health Protection Coop Lands$30.747 $30.747 $36,747$51
FHP Federal Lands $15.485 $15.485 $22.485 $32
Research & Development$258.760 $258.760 $317.773 $317.733
    % for forest invaders~1%??0$16 M

Background on the Threat

I’m sure you are familiar with the many ecosystem services provided by America’s forests and woodlands – wildland, rural, and urban. (Besides – maybe you just love trees!) I assume you also know that these forests are under threat from a growing number of non-native insects and pathogens.

For a quick review, see earlier blogs re: 1) an estimate that 41% of forest biomass in the “lower 48” states is at risk to mortality caused by the most damaging 15 species; black ash swamps of the upper Midwest; unique forest ecosystems of Hawai`i; riparian forests in the far West; stream canyons of the Appalachian range and; high-elevation forests of the West; and unique forests of Southwest Oregon.  Also, see the thorough discussion of these pests’ impacts in Invasive Species in Forests and Grasslands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector – blog; link available here]

Meanwhile, newly-discovered pests continue to appear and require research and management. The most troubling current example is beech leaf disease. It’s killing beech trees from Ohio to Maine and south to Virginia.

These introduced pests usually first appear in cities or suburbs because they arrive on imported goods shipped to population centers. The immediate result is enormous damage to urban forests. A recently published article (“Hotspots of pest-induced US urban tree death, 2020–2050”), projects that, by 2050, 1.4 million street trees in urban areas and communities will be killed by introduced insect pests. Removing and replacing these trees is projected to cost cities $30 million per year. Additional urban trees – in parks, other plantings, on homeowners’ properties, and in urban woodlands – are also expected to die.

As we know, newly-arrived pests don’t stay in those cities. Some spread on their own. Others are carried far and wide on firewood, plants, patio furniture, even storage pods. And so they proliferate in rural and wildland forests, including US National Forests.

As we know too well, many pests—especially the highly damaging wood-borers—arrive in inadequately treated crates, pallets, and other forms of packaging made of wood. Other pests—e.g., spotted lanternfly —take shelter, or lay their eggs, in or on virtually any exposed hard surface, such as steel or decorative stone.

Imports from Asia have historically transported the most damaging pests. Unfortunately, imports from Asia have reached unprecedented volume – currently they’re running at a rate of 20 million shipping containers per year. Research findings lead to an estimate that at least 7,500 of these containers are carrying a tree-killing pest. The “Hotspots” authors found that if a new woodborer that attacks maples or oaks is introduced, it could kill 6.1 million trees and cost American cities $4.9 billion over 30 years. The risk would be highest if this pest were introduced to the South – and southern ports are receiving more direct shipments from Asia!  

Some types of pests—especially plant diseases and sap sucking insects —come on imported plants. A principle example is sudden oak death (SOD; and which attacks more than 100 species of trees and shrubs). Other examples are the rapid ʻōhiʻa death pathogen that threatens Hawai`i’s most widespread tree, ʻōhiʻa lehua; and beech leaf disease, a newly discovered threat that is killing beech trees in a band stretching from Ohio to Maine.

Background on Specific USDA Funding Requests


To reduce the risk of new pest introductions and strengthen response to many important pests, please ask your member of Congress and Senators to support appropriations that support key APHIS programs in the table above. (I assume you know that APHIS is responsible for preventing introduction and spread of invasive pests. While most port inspections are carried out by the Department of Homeland Security’s Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, APHIS sets the policy guidance. APHIS also inspects imports of living plants.)

Thank your member for the incremental increases in funding for these programs in FY22 but suggest that a more substantial investment is warranted.  

The Tree and Wood Pests account supports eradication and control efforts targeting principally the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) and spongy (formerly gypsy) moth. Eradicating the ALB normally receives about two-thirds of the funds. The programs in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and South Carolina must continue until eradication succeeds.

The Tree and Wood Pests account formerly also funded APHIS’ emerald ash borer (EAB) regulatory program. APHIS terminated this program in January 2021. The probable result is that EAB will spread more rapidly to the mountain and Pacific Coast states. Indeed, the “Hotspots” article identified Seattle and Takoma as likely to lose thousands of ash trees in coming decades. This result shows what happens when APHIS programs are inadequately funded.

Re: the plant diseases and sap sucking insects that enter the country on imported plants, APHIS’ management is through its Specialty Crops program. Repeatedly, SOD-infected plants and have been shipped from nurseries in the Pacific Coast states to vulnerable states across the East and South. Clearly this program needs re-assessment and – perhaps – additional funding.

The Specialty Crops program also is home to APHIS’ efforts to counter the spotted lanternfly, which has spread from Pennsylvania to Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, even Indiana. This pest threatens both native trees and agricultural crops – including hops, grapes, apples, and more. California has adopted a state quarantine in hopes of preventing its introduction to that state. Still, APHIS has not established a quarantine.

Please ask the Congress to support the Administration’s request for $219 million for the Specialty Crops program. However, urge them to adopt report language to ensure that APHIS allots adequate funding under this budget line to management of both sudden oak death and spotted lanternfly.

Two additional APHIS programs are the foundation for effective pest prevention. First, the Pest Detection program is key to the prompt detection of newly introduced pests that is critical to successful pest eradication or containment. Please ask the Congress to fund Pest Detection at $30 million. Second, the “Methods Development” program enables APHIS to improve development of essential detection and eradication tools. Please ask the Congress to fund Methods Development at $23 million.

Please ask your member of Congress to support the Administration’s request for a $50.794 million fund for management of emergencies threatening America’s agricultural and natural resources. This program includes a $6 million increase for work with the Climate Conservation Corps specifically targetting invasive species. Although the details are not yet clear, the program’s focus will be to improve surveillance and mitigation methods.

US Forest Service

The USFS has two programs critical to managing non-native tree-killing pests – Forest Health Management (or Protection; FHP) and Research and Development (R&D). FHP provides technical and financial assistance to USFS units (e.g., National forests and regions), other federal agencies, states, municipalities, and other partners to detect and manage introduced pests – including several that APHIS regulates and dozens that it does not. R&D funds efforts to understand non-native insects, diseases, and plants – which are usually scientific mysteries when they first are detected. Of course, this knowledge is crucial to effective programs to prevent, suppress, and eradicate the bioinvader. See the table at the beginning of the blog for specific funding requests for each program.

The Forest Health Management Program (FHP) has two funding streams: Federal Lands and Cooperative Lands (all forests under non-federal management, e.g., state and private forests, urban forests). Both subprograms must be funded in order to ensure continuity of protection efforts – which is the only way they can be effective. Some members of Congress prefer to focus federal funding on National forests. However, allowing pests to proliferate until they reach a federal forest border will only expose those forests to exacerbated threats. Examples of tree-killing pests that have spread from urban areas to National forests include the hemlock woolly adelgid, emerald ash borer, polyphagous and Kuroshio shot hole borers, sudden oak death, and laurel wilt disease. [All profiled here]

Adequate funding for FHP is vital to realizing the Administration’s goals of ensuring healthy forests and functional landscapes; supporting rural economies and underserved communities; enhancing climate change adaptation and resilience; and protecting biological diversity.

Please ask your Member of Congress and Senators to provide $51 million for work on non-federal cooperative lands. This level would partially restore capacity lost over the last decade. Since Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, spending to combat 11 specified non-native insects and pathogens fell by about 50%. Meanwhile, the pests have spread. Also, please ask your Member and Senators to support a $32 million appropriation for the Federal Lands subprogram for FY23 which is allocated to pests threatening our National forests directly.

A vital component of the FHP program is its leadership on breeding pest-resistant trees to restore forests decimated by pests. FHP’s Dorena Genetic Resource Center, in Oregon, has developed Port-Orford cedar seedlings resistant to the fatal root-rot disease. and blog. These seedlings are now being planted by National forests, the Bureau of Land Management, and others. In addition, pines with some resistance to white pine blister rust are also under development. The Dorena Center offers expert advice to various partners  engaged in resistance-breeding for Oregon’s ash trees and two tree species in Hawai`i, koa and ʻōhiʻa. and blog.

The USFS research program is well funded at $317 million. Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of this research budget has been allocated to improving managers’ understanding of specific invasive species and, more generally, of the factors contributing to bioinvasions. Funding for research conducted by USFS Research stations on ten non-native pests decreased from $10 million in Fiscal Year 2010 to just $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2020 – less than 1% of the total research budget. This cut of more than 70% has crippled the USFS’ ability to develop effective tools to manage the growing number of pests.

To ensure the future health of America’s forests, please ask your Member of Congress and Senators to request the Subcommittee to include in its report instructions that USFS increase the funding for this vital research area to 5% of the total research budget. The $16 million would fund research necessary to improving managers’ understanding of invasive forest insects’ and pathogens’ invasion pathways and impacts, as well as to developing effective management strategies. Addressing these threats is vital to supporting the Administration’s priorities of increasing adaptation and resilience to climate change and implementing nature-based solutions.

The USFS Research and Development program should expand its contribution to efforts to breed trees resistant to non-native pests; programs deserving additional funding include hemlocks resistant to hemlock woolly adelgid; ashes resistant to emerald ash borer; beech resistant to both beech bark disease and beech leaf disease; link to DMF and elms resistant to Dutch elm disease. The Research program also continues studies to understand the epidemiology of laurel wilt disease, which has spread to sassafras trees in Kentucky and Virginia.

Members of House Appropriations Committee

ALRobert AderholtX 
CalifBarbara Lee
David Valadao
Josh Harder

FLDebbie Wasserman       ScultzX   
GASanford BishopX 
IDMike Simpson X
ILLauren UnderwoodX 
MDAndy HarrisX 
MEChellie PingreeXX
MIJohn MoolenaarX 
MNBetty McCollumXX
NVSusie Lee
Mark Amodei
NYGrace MengX 
OHMarcy Kaptur
David Joyce
PAMatt Cartwright X
TXHenry CuellarX 
UTChris Stewart X
WADan Newhouse
Derek Kilmer
WIMark PocanX 

Members of Senate Appropriations Committee

AKLisa Murkowski X
CalifDiane FeinsteinXX
FLMarco Rubio X
HIBrian SchatzX 
INMike BraunX 
KSJerry MoranX 
KYMitch McConnellXX
MDChris Van Hollen X
MESusan CollinsX 
MSCindy Hyde-SmithXX
MORoy BluntXX
MTJon TesterXX
NDJohn HoevenX 
NMMartin HeinrichXX
ORJeff MerkleyXX
RIJack Reed X
TNBill Hagerty X
VTPatrick LeahyXX
WVShelly Moore Capito X
WITammy BaldwinX 

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at

West Coast Responding to EAB

nearly pure stand of Oregon ash in Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon; photo by Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry

While Michiganders document the impacts of the emerald ash borer (EAB) there, conservationists on the West Coast are jump-starting efforts to save their regional species, Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia). Earlier field tests in the Midwest showed that EAB will attack Oregon ash (press release) – something West Coast state would like to counter as early and effectively as possible.

Oregon ash is a wide-ranging species, occurring from California to Washington and possibly into British Columbia. The species has not been studied extensively (it is not a timber species!), but it is clearly an imponearlrtant component of riparian forests. In wetter parts of the Willamette Valley, ash is the predominant tree species. See the photo of the riparian forest in the Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge; this forest is nearly 100% Oregon ash (ODA/ODF EAB Response Plan).

As is true in the Midwest, ash provides important food and habitat resources along creeks and rivers where seasonally high water-tables can exclude nearly all other tree species. Standing and fallen dead ash biomass can alter soil chemistry and affect rates of decomposition, nutrient, and water cycling, i.e., nutrient resource availability for the remaining trees. Gaps in tree canopy can increase soil erosion, stormwater runoff and elevated stream temperatures. In dense stands of Oregon ash, understory vegetation is often sparse, consisting primarily of sedges. The authors of the Response Plan anticipate invasion by non-native plants into canopy gaps caused by the loss of ash trees as a result of an EAB invasion. In Michigan, though, it is the sedges that dominate these gaps.

The Oregon Department of Forestry, the state Department of Agriculture, and other entities have actively participated in “don’t move firewood” campaigns for at least a decade. The Departments of Forestry and Agriculture also led a team that prepared the EAB Response Plan in 2018 (full citation at the end of this blog). It lays out in considerable detail the roles of both government agencies and non-governmental stakeholders. Oregon’s quarantine is broad, covering all insects not on an approved list (Williams, pers. comm.)

California has inspected incoming firewood for years. In April 2021 – after APHIS terminated the federal quarantine on EAB — California Department of Food and Agriculture established a state quarantine on the beetle and articles that could transport it into the state. In doing so, CDFA noted that commercially grown olive trees might also be at risk to EAB.

Washington State operates a statewide trapping program for invasive insects. There has also been significant attention to non-native insect threats to urban forests. These have included a study in 2016 led by the Washington Invasive Species Council (WISC). It involved a partnership of WISC with the Washington Department of Natural Resources Urban and Community Forestry Program as well as and statewide stakeholder meetings [Bush, pers. comm.].

Of these various state-wide initiatives, the institutions in Oregon appear to be most pro-active. The Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District provided $10,000 to fund some of the genetics work and testing for EAB resistance. Other funding came from the USDA Forest Service Forest Health Protection unit of State and Private Forestry (not from USFS’ Research Program). As described by USFS geneticist Richard Sneizko in an article in the publication TreeLine (full citation at end of blog), participants hope to find at least some level of genetic resistance to EAB. Any such resistance might be deployed in several ways: 1) promoting reproduction by resistant trees to enhance their numbers before EAB gets to Oregon; 2) using seeds from resistant trees for restoration of natural areas; or 3) cross-breeding resistant trees to build genetically diverse stocks of resistant trees for future restoration.

Participants think it is vitally important to work from seeds collected over much of the range of Oregon ash – first, to search for probably very rare resistant trees; and second, to preserve the full diversity of the tree species’ genome so that restored ash will be adapted to the wide variety of conditions in which ash grow.

Participants in this effort include the forest genetics/tree improvement community – specifically, the USDA Forest Service Dorena Genetic Resource Center (located in Cottage Grove, Oregon) and Washington State University at Puyallup Research & Extension Center. Also engaged is the public gardens community, specifically the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San Marino, Los Angeles County.  The garden is collecting seed of Oregon and other western ashes from California and Washington State.

The first step in assessing resistance is collecting seed from ash trees across the range of Oregon ash. This began in 2019. Carried out by, inter alia, some USFS and Interior’s Bureau of Land Management units, Oregon State University, citizen scientists [Sniezko] and the Oregon Department of Forestry [press release & Sniezko pers. comm.] Also, some seeds were collected in Washington State in 2020. Additional collections in Oregon are scheduled for 2022.

The collected seeds have been evaluated for vitality and stored by the USFS Dorena Center and at the USFS National Seed Lab (Macon, GA).

Oregon ash planting at Dorena; photo by Emily Boes

The USFS Dorena Center and Washington State University have begun germinating and growing some of the seedlings for various tests of possible resistance. There is concern that the 2021 drought might have killed some of the seedlings in Oregon; those in Washington are not affected. The initial seedlings are mostly from Oregon but there is space to add additional families from a wider geographical area. Experimenters plan to collect data annually on bud break, yearly growth, and any diseases or pests that develop on the trees. (Chastagner pers. comm.)

The next step is systematic testing whether some of the ash show genetic resistance to EAB. Richard Sneizko has sent seedlings of 17 ash families to USFS colleague Dr. Jennifer Koch. She operates a breeding facility in northern Ohio where they can be tested for resistance. Testing is expected to begin this year. [Tree Line]

The Dorena Center is also helping a researcher at Penn State University, Dr. Jill Hamilton, to set up a landscape genomics project. She will evaluate the genetic variability in the species by using leaf samples from about 20 trees from many populations across the Oregon ash’s range (California to British Columbia).  This potentially includes a collection from the Dorena population of ash in late Spring 2022. [Sniezko]

These various ash plantings can also be “sentinel” plantings to assist in early detection of newly arriving EAB. [Tree Line]


Bush J. Executive Coordinator | Washington Invasive Species Council

ODF and ODA Emerald Ash Borer Readiness and Response Plan. 2018. 

ODF press release Feb 24, 2022

Treeline Newsletter May 13, 2021. Richard Sniezko. Is There a Future for Oregon Ash? Forest Genetics to the Rescue? Genetic & Emerald Ash Borer Resistance Projects

The newsletter is issued by Bonneville Environmental Foundation for a consortium of conservation agencies

Sniezko pers comm Feb 2022  22-2/24

A video explaining the campaign to save Oregon ash is at or

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at

Restoring Port-Orford cedar – a role for you!!!!

Port-Orford cedar; photo by Julie Kierstead

I report here on recent developments on breeding resistant trees. These include both promising results from decades-long efforts and also a promising start to addressing a new challenge.

These programs have benefited from major commitments by the USDA Forest Service. I hope they encourage similar commitments for other priority species – such as those named by the CAPTURE program.  

Port-Orford cedar – ready to be planted in the forest!  

Scientists who have been working for decades to breed seedlings of Port-Orford cedar (POC) trees resistant to the root rot caused by Phytophthora lateralis say that they have seedlings ready for planting in the forest. They made this case in a webinar in late February. It can be viewed here. The full webinar runs somewhat over two hours.

The scientist who led early studies of POC and the root disease, Don Zobel, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University, described the ecological requirements that should guide planting programs. POC produces high-calcium litter. It grows from the sea coast to 1950 meters elevation, on sand dunes, fens, soils with hardpans; mafic & ultramafic rocks (serptentines) and fertile soils on some sedimentary rocks. POC is less shade tolerant than western hemlock but more fire tolerant. It can form a secondary canopy under Douglas-fir and supercede other conifers when fire occurs repeatedly. The tree needs surface water, e.g., seepages and stream sides; but the water must be flowing, not stagnant. Seedlings are especially vulnerable to drying during winter. 

[I posted a separate blog about other trees native to this region, including serpentine soils, here.]

One purpose of the webinar was to encourage owners and managers of lands within POC’s historic range (see the map under Dr. Zobel’s presentation) to begin planting the species in appropriate sites. With this in mind, Dr. Zobel emphasized criteria for selecting sites:

  • Climates in coastal areas of the range are less likely to change under climate change
  • Quartenary marine terraces are the best geologic type; Lookingglass and Roseburg geologic types are also acceptable
  • Availability of water during summer, e.g., streamside and seepage areas. Try planting beneath alder. However, avoid interior valley stream corridors if the soils are not ultramafic. And avoid stagnant water.
a POC tree in a bog next to the endemic pitcher plant of southern Oregon, Darlingtonia californica; photo by Richard Sniezko

Dr. Zobel also says one should plant pathogen-resistant genotypes and pay attention to local genetic varieties (which have largely been determined).

Dr. Richard Sniezko of the USFS Dorena Genetic Resource Center described the Center’s 30-year effort to find and exploit resistance to the pathogen. Funding has come from the USFS Forest Health Protection program, other parts of the USFS, and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The goal all along has been to produce seedlings for restoration to the forest – meaning not just resistant to the pathogen but also adapted to various local conditions.  The program can now provide resistant seedlings in large quantities for planting by landowners and public land managers.

Dr. Sniezko emphasizes that success depends on engagement of four sets of people: research by university scientists; application of that research and development of propagule growing methods by the Dorena Center; support from USFS leaders to continue the program; involvement of land managers who choose to plant the resistant seedlings.

USFS and BLM staff described efforts to determine where POC grows on land under their management, the status of disease in those areas, and efforts to slow the spread of the disease, especially along roadsides and as result of timber or engineering projects. Some of this sanitation work has been funded by USFS Forest Health Protection program — not the National Forest System.

Richard Sniezko stated that the seedlings’ quantitative disease resistance means that some seedlings will die.  He expects 40-50% survival of seedlings from many of the breeding zones. This is well above the level of resistance in un-improved populations.

Both BLM and the Rogue-River-Siskiyou National Forest have planted tens of thousands of resistant seedlings in recent years and plan to continue. Funding provided by COVID-19 legislation might allow increased effort.  [See Dr. Sniezko’s presentation on the webinar for photos from some plantings.] 

POC seedlings at Dorena; photo by Richard Sniezko

Norma Kline of the Oregon State University extension program has distributed more than 10,000 seedlings to small/non-industrial landowners. Many of the recipients shared seedlings with neighbors or are coordinating their planting over a large area. They were motivated primarily by conservation concerns. Her monitoring showed that the POC seedlings survived but did not thrive under dense tanoak canopy. They did well in competition with grass in areas near the coast where there was more moisture. They also did well under Douglasfir as long as there was dappled sunlight.

The non-governmental organization American Forests is likely to participate actively in the planting effort.

In an email to me, Dr. Sniezko asks that people who have planted POC outside its native range inform him where the tree(s) is/are thriving. This information would enhance scientists’ understanding of the species’ environmental tolerances.

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at

Rapid ‘Ohi‘a Death – Comprehensive New Program Begins – Challenges to Achieving Success

ʻōhiʻa blossoms

‘Ohi‘a (Metrosideros polymorpha) is the most abundant native forest tree in Hawai`i and of enormous ecological, cultural, and economic importance. Five species of endemic Metrosideros are recognized on the Hawaiian islands. Only one — M. polymorpha — is found throughout the state. Eight varieties are recognized. These varieties inhabit different environments and have adapted to selective pressures characteristic of these locations. There are at least five other species in the Metrosideros genus, each endemic to one or a few nearby islands. Blaine et al. (2022) [full citation at end of this blog] provide a helpful summary of the tree’s ecological importance and its apparently on-going speciation.

‘Ohi‘a provides habitat for endemic birds, insects, and plants, many of which are endangered. Thus, conservation of this species — and all Hawaiian Metrosideros – is vital for the conservation of countless other taxa. In addition, high elevation ʻōhiʻa forests protect vitally important watersheds across the state. For Native Hawaiians, ʻōhiʻa is a physical manifestation of multiple Hawaiian deities so is the subject of many proverbs, chants, stories, and a foundation of scared hula. Finally, the tree is beautiful!

Native Hawaiian forests face multiple threats — invasive animals and plants, wildfire, and land-use changes. Due to such threats, natural ʻōhiʻa regeneration is largely absent in most lower-elevation forests. In this case, competition with invasive species and the presence of diseases such as ʻōhiʻa rust (Austropuccinia psidii) are probably the specific causes. Multiple government and non-governmental entities have made substantial effort to mitigate these threats.

ROD-infected ʻōhiʻa; photo by J.B. Friday

The disease Rapid ‘Ohi‘a Death (ROD) is an unprecedented threat to this species and the forests it constitutes. The disease is caused by two newly described fungal pathogens: Ceratocystis lukuohia and C. huliohia. The disease caused by C. lukuohia is more severe. To date it has been detected on the two islands farthest apart in the chain — Hawai`i (the Big Island) and Kaua‘i. C. huliohia causes a canker disease that kills trees more slowly. It is more widespread, found on Maui and O‘ahu in addition to Hawai`i and Kaua‘i. Blaine et al. (2022) and the profile here describe the two diseases’ epidemiologies, progression, impacts, and challenges.

Because of the clear threat to Hawaiian ecosystems, ecosystem services, and cultural assets, considerable effort has put into delimitation and research on possible mitigation actions since ROD was discovered in 2010. The first strategic plan covered the period 2017–2019. It focused on expanded efforts to map outbreaks, research on the epidemiology of the pathogens, and most-promising management practices. The second strategic plan covers 2020–2024. It provides for continued surveillance and improvement of these technologies; expanding outreach and public engagement; research on possible vectors of the pathogens; collection and preservation of seeds for research and future restoration; and comprehensive evaluation and development of disease resistance in ʻōhiʻa.

Soon after the causal agents were clarified, the USDA Agriculture Research Service (ARS) began screening for disease resistance. By 2016, ARS had demonstrated that five individuals from two varieties of M. polymorpha had survived inoculation by the more virulent pathogen, C. lukuohia. Their survival raised hopes that natural resistance might be present in wild populations of at least some varieties. However, more comprehensive screening of trees from throughout the species’ range is needed to provide an accurate baseline on the frequency, level, and distribution of genetic resistance to both pathogens. The goal is to produce material resistant to both pathogens that can be used to preserve the ecology, culture, and biotic communities that are dependent on this tree species.

To carry the expanded effort forward, in 2018 a collaborative partnership of state, federal, and non-profit groups was formed. Participants in the ‘Ohi‘a Disease Resistance Program (‘ODRP) include: the Akaka Foundation for Tropical Forests; USDA’s Forest Service and Agriculture Research Service; the state’s Division of Forestry and Wildlife and Agriculture Research Center; programs of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and at Hilo; Purdue and Arizona State universities; the Tropical Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center; and Kalehua Seed Conservation Consulting.

Blaine et al. (2022) have now outlined a framework to guide the overall effort to identify and develop ROD resistance in M. polymorpha and, possibly, all Hawaiian Metrosideros species. The framework calls for the following activities:

(1) evaluating and operationalizing methods for inoculation-based screening and greenhouse-based production of test plants; and

(2) short-term greenhouse screenings of seedlings and rooted cuttings sampled from native Metrosideros throughout Hawai’i.

Once these tasks have been achieved, the effort is expected to expand to address:

(3) establishing field trials to validate the short-term greenhouse assays and monitor durability and stability of resistance;

(4) understanding environmental (climate, soils) and genetic (vascular architecture, wound response)

drivers of susceptibility and resistance to characterize the durability and stability of genetic resistance to ROD;

(5) developing remote sensing and molecular methods to rapidly detect ROD-resistant individuals;

(6) if necessary, conducting breeding to increase the efficacy of resistance and improve durability of ROD resistance; and

(7) supporting already established and ongoing Metrosideros conservation, including state-wide seed collection and banking, with information on not only genotypes resistant to ROD but also production of ROD-resistant seed.

Blaine et al. (2022) outline how to proceed on each step, and describe the challenges that must be overcome. Challenges range from building growing and screening capacity to handle the thousands of plants required, to developing the remote sensing tools to identify diseased trees in the forest, to identifying sites for seed orchards. Actions by ‘ODRP will focus on  Stage II screening in the field to examine the durability of resistance under the wide variety of ecological conditions in which ʻōhiʻa grows and in the presence of a potentially evolving pathogen. Resistance studies must expand beyond M. polymorpha varieties from only one island (the Big Island) to include the other Hawaiian Metrosideros taxa.  

Once ROD-resistant M. polymorpha trees are discovered and groundwork has been laid to satisfy initial needs for resistant tree seedlings for forest restoration, scientists can begin research into the genetic basis of ROD resistance. This knowledge will assist breeding efforts which might be necessary if resistance to one of the pathogens does not confer resistance to the other, since the goal is to provide seedlings that are resistant to both.

Blaine et al. (2022) note that the state and others continue efforts to address other aspects of ROD management. These include

1) controlling the spread of the pathogen through local quarantines on movement of infected material and increased public education on bio-sanitation for forest users;

2) testing repellants to reduce beetle attack on infected trees and subsequent frass production.

3) reducing wounding of trees by fencing more pristine forests and removing feral ungulates


Blaine C. Luiz, Christian P. Giardina, Lisa M. Keith, Douglass F. Jacobs, Richard A. Sniezko, Marc A. Hughes, James B. Friday, Philip Cannon, Robert Hauff, Kainana Francisco, Marian M. Chau, Nicklos Dudley, Aileen Yeh, Gregory Asner, Roberta E. Martin, Ryan Perroy, Brian J. Tucker, Ale.alani Evangelista, Veronica Fernandez, Chloe Martins-Keli.iho.omalu, Kirie Santos, Rebekah Ohara. 2022. A framework for establishing a rapid ‘Ohia death resistance program. New Forests.  

See also the video at

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at