Hopeful Developments for One Bioinvader – KSHB; Possible implications of research & management recommendations

Willow forest in the Tijuana River Valley killed by Kuroshio shot hole borer
the “boom” part of the cycle
photo by John Boland

I have blogged earlier about the damage caused by the Kuroshio shot hole borer (KSHB, Euwallacea kuroshio), which is one of two invasive shot hole borers established in southern California. The beetle and its symbiotic fungi had caused amazing levels of damage in the Tijuana River Valley in San Diego County, California. The wood borer is described here and here.  

Most of the earlier blogs focused on the absence of a response by California’s phytosanitary agency and here – until John Kabashima created sufficient political demand for a response.

A scientist who has devoted considerable effort to understanding the KSHB is John Boland of Boland Ecological Services. He has posted annual reports analyzing five years of the outbreak in the Tijuana River Valley (see full citations at the end of the blog). His principal findings (Boland and Uyeda 2020): the invasion went through a boom and bust cycle, with willows in the wettest parts of the estuary having largely recovered. So far, Kuroshio shot hole borers have not re-infested the growing trees, despite the presence of all conditions seeming to favor invasion. His principal worry is enhanced invasion by the non-native grass or reed Arundo donax.

The study site is a coastal floodplain crossed by an intermittent stream. The Tijuana River valley provides several ecosystem services, including filtering pollutants before the water reaches the ocean, open space, and important wildlife habitat, including Critical Habitat for the federally endangered least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus).

There is a mosaic of forests of different ages and at different distances from the current flows. They range from wet forests growing in the current river beds; dry forests growing in older river beds that get some current flows; and scrub forests growing far from current river flows. All these forests are dominated by two willows: the black willow (Salix gooddingii) and the arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis). Both are preferred hosts of KSHB; both are pioneer species that establish in disturbed wet areas; both resprout vigorously. The riparian scrub woodlands surrounding the forests are dominated by the perennial shrub, mule fat (Baccharis salicifolia), with scattered willows of both species (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

The river carries high levels of raw sewage and industrial waste from Tijuana, Mexico. Raw sewage contains important plant nutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The willows in or near the nutrient-enriched channel water were growing quickly and vigorously, and had wood characteristics that differed significantly from those of trees in the dry or scrub forests. Dr. Boland notes that these trees’ phloem sap is loaded with sugars from the fast-growing leaves, and xylem sap is loaded with nutrients from the enriched soil. His Enriched Tree Hypothesis (discussed further below) suggests that these nutrients promote fast growth of the symbiotic fungi and ideal conditions for KSHB (Boland and Woodward 2019).

Boland and his colleagues have carried out detailed annual field surveys of the infestation since 2015. Using the same study plots in each year, they analyzed infestation and mortality rates, canopy damage, and survivorship of tagged willows.

Funding originally came from the U.S. Navy and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – agencies probably worried about the potential destruction of the vireos’ habitat. As of 2019 KSHB had infested 91% of all the willows in the valley – estimated to be more than 350,000 willows. KSHB had killed 30% of the trees, or nearly 123,000 (Boland 2019). Dr. Boland considers this estimate to be an underestimate because he could not accurately carry out surveys of individual trees in the extensively-damaged Wet Forest units in 2018. There was considerable variation in pest impacts depending on host trees’ proximity to the intermittent river. Of all of the willow deaths in the valley, 93.8% occurred in the Wet Forests, 6.1% in the Dry Forests and 0.1% in the Scrub Forests. This variation occurred even though the sites contain the same willow species (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

Infestation rates over the four-year period averaged 99% of willows in the Wet Forest units, 82% in the Dry Forests and 3% in the Scrub Woodlands. Considering 2019 alone, the overall infestation rate was only 9%. Looking at differences among forest types, 1% of the willows in Wet Forests were infested (down from 95% in 2015), 29% of the willows in dry forests (down from 73% in 2016), and 0% of the willows in the scrub forests (down from 2% in  2018). (2019 infestation rates from Boland and Uyeda 2020; earlier years from Boland 2019.)

Infestation rates had to be very high before trees died, but then mortality was very high. Only after sites reached infestation rates of more than 95% did sites have significant mortality rates – and then, very high — up to 97%. In agreement with other findings, most of the high-mortality sites were in Wet Forest units. These had a mean maximum mortality rate of 49%. The mean maximum mortality rate was only 9% in Dry Forest and 2% in Scrub Forest units (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

The size of the tree is also important. In the Wet Forests, in 2019, infestation rates were 0% for seedlings and young trees; 3% for the relatively undamaged trees that are more than 5 years old; and 1% of the resprouting adult trees that had been broken during the first wave of invasion. KSHB prefers young trees with a trunk dbh of at least 4.5 cm. Smaller trees were generally avoided. Trees with very large dbh (> 30 cm) appear to be able to survive a KSHB attack (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

At the end of the five year period, Dr. Boland had documented interesting/puzzling findings.

Recovery of the willow forest in Tijuana River Valley – 2019
photo by John Boland

Wet Forests

KSHB in the valley went through a rapid boom-and-bust cycle. In the Wet Forests, KSHB infestation progressed over the course of a few months from barely noticeable to heavy infestation and dramatic canopy collapse. Infestation rates of 80 – 95% in the West Forests in 2015 and 2016 led to virtual elimination of the canopy between 2016 and 2017 as tunnel-ridden trees were broken by wind storms.  These severe damage levels occurred over 94 acres (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

After apparently depleting their preferred hosts in the wettest parts of the forest, beetle numbers fell and host trees began a rapid recovery. Mean canopy cover rose from 5% in 2017 to 56% in 2019. This recovery has taken three forms: survival of a few, scattered mature infested trees (‘Big Trees’) which grew new wood over KSHB galleries (Boland 2019); resprouting of mature KSHB-damaged trees (‘resprouts’); and seeding of new trees (‘seedlings’). Some of the forests have recovered so much in just 4 years that they are now similar to their pre-KSHB stature (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

Dr. Boland suggests that KSHB is promoted by high nutrient (pollution) levels in the water, which result in rapid growth by trees near the most steady of the intermittent streams. He has developed an Enriched Tree Hypothesis (explained briefly below; for a full discussion, see Boland and Woodland 2019).

As of autumn 2019, beetles have not attacked the recovering hosts – despite apparently favorable conditions and the absence of management interventions. 2019 infestation rates were 3% of the remaining Big Trees, 2% of the resprouting trees, 1% of the young trees, and 0% of the seedlings. Dr. Boland suggests three possible reasons (Boland and Uyeda 2020), which I will discuss below.

The resprouting trees are now old & vigorous enough to flower

It is likely that these recovering willow forests will provide good breeding habitat for least Bell’s vireo (all Boland publications).

Dry Forests

Infestation in the Dry Forests spread more slowly – infestation rates averaged 82% in the Dry Forests over four years. The infestation progressed more slowly and the canopy remained mostly intact. But in 2019 the infestation rate in the Dry Forest was substantially higher than in the Wet Forest — 29% versus 1% (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

Still, only 16% of more than 200 willows tagged in February 2016 had been killed by KSHB by autumn 2019. Among the living trees were three quarters of trees already infested in 2016, and half of trees that became infested after 2016 (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

Lack of Reinfestation (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

The absence of reinfestation is surprising, especially because the conditions thought favorable to KSHB are all present:

1. The regenerating trees belong to host species known to be preferred – black and arroyo willows.

2. The regenerating trees have reached the preferred size with trunk dbh exceeding 4.5 cm. In fall 2019 the trees in the recovering Wet Forests included many resprouting trees with mean diameters of 6.5 cm, and many new seedlings with mean diameters of 11.7 cm.

3. Recovering forests are located in the preferred nutrient-rich sites. Sewage levels remain high.

4. The trees in the recovering forests are in the condition preferred by KSHB, i.e., the trees are fast-growing and vigorous.

5. The KSHB is present – in low numbers in the Wet Forests, more numerous in Dry Forests which are < 1 km away.

It is not known whether KSHB will eventually re-infest.

The KSHB infestation reversed the presence of large trees. Originally 53% of the large trees were in the Wet Forests, 38% in the Dry Forests. The KSHB invasion damaged so many of the trees in the Wet Forests that now they represent only 24% of all the ‘Big Trees’ in the Valley; 58% of the ‘Big Trees’ are now in the Dry Forests. In many Dry Forests the remaining tall trees form a continuous canopy layer, whereas in the polluted Wet Forests they are usually only single ‘Big Trees’ (Boland and Uyeda 2020).

Other plant species

Dr. Boland expresses great concern about the spread of the invasive plant, Arundo donax, in response to canopy openings caused by the initial invasion and canopy collapse (willow trees are Arundo’s only competitors in the valley).

Surveys during fall 2019 found that most plant species growing in the Tijuana River Valley are native, dominated by the willows (mean cover of 60%). The most abundant non-native species is castor bean (10% cover). Arundo had a mean cover of only 6% in the belt transects, but it was more abundant outside the transects. Arundo is spreading as rhizomes cut loose by bulldozing, disking, and mowing on property managed by International Boundary and Water Commission (Boland and Uyeda 2020). Both willows and Arundo had increased their percent cover between 2018 and 2019 (Boland 2019).

Dr. Boland’s Recommendations (Boland and Uyeda 2020)

1) The different invasion trajectories in the three habitat types contradict some researchers’ expectation that all trajectories are similar from regardless of site characteristics or that a light infestation must be recent while a heavy infestation must be old.

2) Unique characteristics of the Tijuana River valley – especially the high sewage levels – mean that the severe infestation and damage seen there should not be expected to occur at other natural, unpolluted riparian sites.

3) Dr. Boland disputes recommendations that “heavily infested” trees be removed because they are doomed and support beetle reproduction. Although Dr. Boland studied primarily willows, he did evaluate 24 California sycamores (Platanus spp.) that had been planted in various parts of the valley.

He found that none had died and only two (8%) were infested. The two infested trees were lightly infested and growing near the sewage-enriched stream. Dr. Boland concluded that sycamores were also unlikely to be heavily infested and killed in habitats less favorable to shot hole borers (Boland 2019).

4) The ease with which native willows became densely established in wet forest sites after the first infestation wave leads Dr. Boland to advocate reliance on natural restoration projects … as long as Arundo invasion can be controlled.

5) Avoid over-fertilization or over-watering of trees in planted landscapes.

6) Focus detection searches for KSHB in nutrient-enriched areas. … e.g., near storm drain outfalls.

Research recommendations:

A) Determine why KSHB has not substantially reinvaded the recovering willow forests despite the presence of preferred species in “correct” condition and size. Dr. Boland suggests testing of three hypotheses:

  • Induced response of hosts. Have the infested willows changed their chemistry as a result of the borer attack, thus increasing their resistance ….
  • Overall forest structure. Have the less dense and more mixed forest stands reduced attractiveness to the beetle?
  • A disease or predator. Has a biocontrol agent been introduced accidentally? None has yet been identified …

B) Understand the possible mechanisms for the high initial infestations rates in the Wet Forests.

  • To evaluate the Enriched Tree Hypothesis measure the sugars and nutrients (both concentrations and loading rates) in trees subject to differing amounts of sewage or fertilizers. Then conduct controlled trials in the lab on the growth response of ISHB’s fungal symbionts to various sugar and nutrient concentrations and loading rates.
  • Evaluate whether willows growing in the nutrient-enriched sites produced fewer tannins that might inhibit beetle and fungal growth.

C) Can ISHB disperse by wind?  Dr. Boland recommends searching for ISHB in the air high above infested trees; this could involve the use of nets or traps attached to aircraft, hot-air balloons, helium balloons or drones.

D) Determine whether surviving mature trees have superior characteristics re: morphology, vigor, and pest or disease resistance that make them less vulnerable to KSHB attack.  

E) Incorporate site and ecology data and varying levels of host vulnerability into models predicting KSHB impacts. Include the ecological costs of removing the trees.

My questions

Are other scientists applying these findings in their research on KSHB or polyphagous shot hole borer outbreaks in other parts of California? I am particularly interested in the issues of possible resistance in some willows – innate or induced; and the potential role of excess nutrients in promoting fungal and beetle growth. Are they finding the ecological components of the Enriched Tree Hypothesis to be helpful in defining the impact of PSHB outbreaks in other parts of the state, and of older ages?


Boland, J.M. 2109. The Ecology and Management of the Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer in the Tijuana River Valley. Final Report for Naval Base Coronado under Cooperative Agreement N62473-18-2-0008

Boland, J.M. and D.L. Woodward. 2019. Impacts of the invasive shot hole borer (Euwallacea kuroshio) are linked to sewage pollution in southern Calif: the Enriched Tree Hypothesis. PeerJ 7:6812

Boland, J.M. and K.A Uyeda. 2020. The Ecology and Management of the Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer in the Tijuana River Valley 2019-20 (Year 5) Final Report. For Naval Base Coronado, Department of Navy and Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association. Under Cooperative Agreement N62473-18-2-0008

All these reports are available here:  The Ecology and Management of the Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer in the Tijuana River Valley — Tijuana Estuary : TRNERR

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at http://treeimprovement.utk.edu/FadingForests.htm

Outrageous – Asian longhorned beetle Appears Again – Will US Respond Appropriately?

Here we go again … another Asian longhorned beetle population established in the U.S.

For the ninth time in 24 years, the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) has been found in North America – this time in South Carolina.

This means thousands – perhaps tens of thousands – of trees will be removed. Thousands more will be injected with imadacloprid. Millions of dollars will be spent. There will be uncounted aesthetic and spiritual losses. There will be unmeasured damage to at least the local environment – which probably includes bottomland hardwood forests – protection of which South Carolina has declared to be a conservation priority. All this destruction is necessitated by the need to prevent catastrophic damage to North America’s hardwood forests by the ALB.

By early August I have learned that the South Carolina outbreak has been present for seven years or longer, and that it might be related to the Ohio outbreak (which was detected in 2011 but was probably introduced at least four years earlier). APHIS reports that, as of the end of July, nearly 1,300 infested trees had been detected. The area around the neighborhood where the detection was made is swampy – complicating search and removal operations and probably home to many box elder and willows – preferred hosts for the ALB.

Why did we let this happen? Why do we persist with a policy that has allowed repeated introductions of this pest via the well-documented wood packaging pathway? After all, we learned about this risk 22 years ago – after the ALB introductions to New York and Chicago. We have had plenty of evidence that the policy is failing. We know how to stop this. Why do we – through our elected and appointed government officials – not act to prevent it?

What We Need: a New, Protective Policy

With live pests continuing to be present in wood packaging 14 years after the U.S. and Canada imposed the treatment requirements in ISPM#15 – and 21 years after we required China to treat its wood packaging – we urgently need better federal policy. I have long advocated:

  • USDA APHIS join Bureau of Customs and Border Protection in penalizing violators for each violation; stop allowing five violations over a 12-month period before applying a penalty.
  • APHIS and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) should apply their rights under Section 5.7 of the World Trade Organization Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement to immediately prohibit China from packaging its exports in wood. China can use crates and pallets made from such alternative materials as plastic, metal, or oriented strand board.
  • APHIS and CFIA should being the process of supporting permanent application of this policy to China and other trade partners with poor compliance records. This step would require that they cite the need for setting a higher “level of protection” and then prepare a risk assessment to justify adopting more restrictive regulations.
  • USDA Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) should assist U.S. importers to determine which suppliers reliably provide wood packaging that complies with ISPM#15 requirements.
  • USDA FAS and APHIS should help importers convey their complaints about specific shipments to the exporting countries’ National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs; departments of agriculture).
  • APHIS should increase pressure on foreign NPPOs and the International Plant Protection Convention more generally to ascertain the reasons ISPM#15 is failing and to fix the problems.
  • APHIS should fund more studies and audits of wood packaging to document the current efficacy of the standard, especially
    • Update the Haack study of pest approach rate.
    • Determine whether high rates of pest infestation of wood bearing the ISPM#15 mark results from fraud or failures of treatment – and whether any failures are due to mistakes/misapplication or shortcomings in the treatment themselves.
    • Allocate the risk among the three major types of wood packaging: pallets, crates, and dunnage. 

These folks work for us – tell them to protect our forests!

See also the recommendations of the Tree-Smart Trade program at www.tree-smart-trade.org

Tree-Smart also has a Twitter account: @treeSMARTtrade


The ALB poses a threat to 10% of US forests and nearly all of Canada’s hardwoods, so eradication of the South Carolina outbreak is essential. For a longer discussion of ALB introduction history, the threat, and eradication efforts to date, visit here. https://www.dontmovefirewood.org/pest_pathogen/asian-long-horned-beetle-html/).

Another ALB Outbreak in the US: No Surprise

This Chinese insect is a world traveler. It has been detected 36 times outside its natural range: in North America, Europe, and Japan. Seventeen of these outbreaks have been detected since 2012 (Eyre & Haack 2017). These 17 introduction have occurred six years or later after the 2006 implementation of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) #15 – which was intended to reduce the likelihood of such introductions. .Ten of the outbreaks have been eradicated (Eyre & Haack 2017; APHIS press release October 2019).  This includes four in the United States and Canada; see here.

Despite U.S. and international efforts, ALB and related pests have been detected continuously in imported goods. U.S. and European data (Eyre and Haack 2017) document rising numbers of Cerambycids detected in wood packaging in recent years. (For a description of pest prevention efforts, see Fading Forests II and III here and this blog).

It is also not surprising that the newly introduced pest is from China. It has long been among countries with the worst records on implementing ISPM#15

The APHIS-CBP joint study of pest interceptions over the period 2012 – 2017 (Krishnankutty et al. 2020b) found the highest numbers of interceptions came from Mexico, China, and Turkey. During the period 2011 – 2016, China accounted for 11% of interceptions (APHIS interception database – pers. comm. January 2017).

These numbers reflect in part the huge volumes of goods imported from China. But China’s poor performance has continued, perhaps even increased in recent years. For example, consider the choice of wood used to manufacture packaging. Authorities recognized by the late 1990s that wood from plantations of Populus from northern China was highly likely to be infested by the Asian longhorned beetle. Yet, more than a dozen years later, this high-risk wood was still being used: between 2012 and 2017, the ALB was intercepted six times in wood packaging made of Populus wood – each time originating from a single wood-treatment facility in China (Krishnankutty et al. 2020b).

The location just outside Charleston also is not a surprise. Charleston ranked seventh in receipt of incoming shipping containers in 2018. Charleston received 1,022,000 containers, or TEUs measured as 20-foot equivalents, in 2018 (DOT report). This was a 14% increase over the 894,000 TEUs in 2017 http://www.marad.dot.gov/MARAD_statistics/index.html – click on “trade statistics”, then “US Waterborne trade” (1st bullet).  I expect decreased import volumes in 2019 and 2020 due to the tariffs/trade war and the 2020 economic crash linked to the Covid-19 virus.

Why US and International Policy Still Fails

Leung et al. (2014) estimated that implementation of the International Standard of Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM)#15 resulted in only a 52% reduction in pest interceptions. They concluded that continued implementation at the 2009 level of efficacy could triple the number of wood borers established (not just intercepted) in the U.S. by 2050.

Since 2010 the Department of Homeland Security’s Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has found an average of 794 shipments infested by pests each year (Harriger). In 2019 specifically, live pests were found in 747 shipments (Stephen Brady, CBP, April 2020). These violations were occurring four to 13 years after the U.S. began implementing ISPM#15 in 2006. According to my calculations, based on estimates of pest approach rates by Haack et al. (2014), these detections probably represented about eight percent of the total number of infested shipments entering the country each year.

And there are good reasons to think this estimate is low. First, Haack et al. (2014) did not include imports from China, Canada, or Mexico in their calculations. Both China and Mexico rank high among countries with poor compliance records. Second, Haack and Meissner based their calculations on 2009 data – 11 years out of date. Since 2009, ISPM#15 has been amended to make it more effective. The most important change was restricting the size of bark remnants that may remain on wood. Also, countries and trading companies have 11 more years of implementation – so they might have improved their performance. I have asked several times that APHIS commission a new analysis of Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Monitoring data. We all need an up-to-date determination of the pest approach rate, not only before but also after the CBP action. Without it, there’s no evidence whether the more aggressive enforcement stance CBP adopted in 2017 (see below) has led to reductions in non-compliant shipments at the border.

Another demonstration of the failure of ISPM#15 is the repeated presence of the velvet longhorned beetle (Trichoferus (=Hesperophanes) campestris) in wood packaging and its establishment in at least three states (Krishnankutty, et al. 2020a; also see the discussion in my recent blog here).

Astoundingly, data indicate that 97% of wood packaging infested with pests bears the stamp certifying that the wood has been treated according to the requirements of ISPM#15 – and hence should be pest-free (Eyre et al. 2018; CBP interception data). In other words, the presence of the stamp is not a reliable indicator of whether the wood has indeed been treated nor that it is pest-free. Scientists have speculated for years why this is the case. ALB’s new arrival provides an impetus to finally answer this question and to ensure policy reflects the answer.

What Federal Agencies Are Doing to Better Prevent Introductions

In contrast to such a comprehensive approach, this is what changes are under way.

CBP strengthened its enforcement in November 2017. The agency’s total “enforcement actions” increased by 400% from 2017 to 2018 (Sagle, pers. comm). The 2019 data show decreases, in absolute numbers, from earlier years in all categories: a 19% decrease below 2010-2018 in average number of shipments intercepted; a 13% decrease in number of shipments intercepted because the wood packaging lacked the ISPM#15 mark; and a decrease of 6% in the number of shipments intercepted that had a quarantine pest (Stephen Brady, CBP, April 2020). However, one year of interception data do not provide a basis for saying whether CBP’s stronger enforcement has resulted in a lower number of shipments in violation of ISPM#15 approaching our shores. Again, I call for APHIS to repeat Haack et al. (2014) study.

Harriger reported that CBP is also trying harder to educate importers, trade brokers, affiliated associations, CBP employees, and international partners about ISPM#15 requirements. CBP wants to encourage them to take actions to reduce all types of non-compliance: lack of documentation, pest presence in both wood packaging and shipping containers, etc.

APHIS has not altered its long-standing policy of allowing an importer to rack up five violations over a 12-month period before imposing a penalty. Instead, APHIS has focused on “educating” trade partners to encourage better compliance. For example, APHIS worked with Canada and Mexico – through the North American Plant Protection Organization — to sponsor workshops for agricultural agencies and exporters in Asia and the Americas

APHIS also planned to host international symposia on wood packaging issues as part of events recognizing 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health. These symposia have been postponed by travel and other restrictions arising from the coronavirus pandemic.

The Broader Significance of Continuing Wood Packaging Problems

The premise of the international phytosanitary system – the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS Agreement) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) – is that importing countries should rely on exporting countries to take the actions necessary to meet the importing countries’ plant health goals. The ISPM#15 experience undermines the very premise of these international agreements.

If we cannot clean up the wood packaging pathway – which involves boards or logs that are, after all, already dead – it bodes poorly for limiting pests imported with other commodities that are pathways for tree-killing pests – especially living plants (plants for planting). Living plants are much more easily damaged or killed by phytosanitary measures, so ensuring pest-free status of a shipment is even more difficult.  (A longer discussion of the SPS Agreement and IPPC is found in Chapter III of Fading Forests II, available here.


Eyre, D., R. Macarthur, R.A. Haack, Y. Lu, and H. Krehan. 2018. Variation in Inspection Efficacy by Member States of SWPM Entering EU. Journal of Economic Entomology, 111(2), 2018, 707–715)

Haack RA, Britton KO, Brockerhoff EG, Cavey JF, Garrett LJ, et al. (2014) Effectiveness of the International Phytosanitary Standard ISPM No. 15 on Reducing Wood Borer Infestation Rates in Wood Packaging Material Entering the US. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96611.

Kevin Harriger, US CBP. Presentations to the annual meetings of the Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases over appropriate years. See, e.g., https://continentalforestdialogue.org/continental-dialogue-meeting-november-2018/

Krishnankutty, S.M., K. Bigsby, J. Hastings, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Wu, S.W. Lingafelter, H. Nadel, S.W. Myers, and A.M. Ray. 2020a. Predicting Establishment Potential of an Invasive Wood-Boring Beetle, Trichoferus campestris (Coleoptera:) in the United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, XX(X), 2020, 1–12

Krishnankutty,  S., H. Nadel, A.M. Taylor, M.C. Wiemann, Y. Wu, S.W. Lingafelter, S.W. Myers, and A.M. Ray. 2020b. Identification of Tree Genera Used in the Construction of Solid Wood-Packaging Materials That Arrived at U.S. Ports Infested With Live Wood-Boring Insects. Commodity Treatment and Quarantine Entomology

Leung, B., M.R. Springborn, J.A. Turner, E.G. Brockerhoff. 2014. Pathway-level risk analysis: the net present value of an invasive species policy in the US. The Ecological Society of America. Frontiers of Ecology.org

Meissner, H., A. Lemay, C. Bertone, K. Schwartzburg, L. Ferguson, L. Newton. 2009. Evaluation of Pathways for Exotic Plant Pest Movement into and within the Greater Caribbean Region. Caribbean Invasive Species Working Group (CISWG) and USDA APHIS Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory

USDA APHIS interception database – pers. comm. January 2017.

USDA APHIS press release dated September 12, 2018

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Press Release No. 0133.20, January 27, 2020

U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, U.S. Waterborne Foreign Container Trade by U.S. Customs Ports (2000 – 2017) Imports in Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) – Loaded Containers Only at https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/freight_analysis/nat_freight_stats/docs/06factsfigures/fig2_9.htm and

US Department of Transportation. Port Performance Freight Statistics in 2018 Annual Report to Congress 2019  https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/43525

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

Unique Black Ash Wetlands – Threatened by Emerald Ash Borer

Another unique ecosystem being severely damaged by non-native tree-killing pests are the wetlands dominated by black ash (Fraxinus nigra). Black ash typically grows in fens, along streams, or in poorly drained areas that often are seasonally flooded. Such swamps stretch from Minnesota to Newfoundland; in the three states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, they cover a total of over 2 million hectares (Kolka et al. 2018).

locations of black ash swamps; source

Recent research allows us to understand the impending loss to these unique ecosystems that will be caused by the emerald ash borer (EAB).

Hydrology is the dominant factor that influences a host of ecosystem functions in black ash wetlands. Water levels are largely determined by a combination of precipitation and evapotranspiration rates. Black ash can thrive in wetter areas than most other tree species (Slesak et al. 2014). Water tables in these swamps are typically above the surface throughout early spring, followed by drawdown below the surface during the growing season with periodic rises following rain events. Water table drawdown coincides with peak evapotranspiration following black ash leaf out, demonstrating the fundamental control that this species has on animal and other plant communities (Kolka et al. 2018; Slesak et al. 2014).

Ecological Importance

Black ash generally dominate the canopy of these wetlands. Ash density can range from about 40% to almost 100%. Several other tree species are present, including northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis), red maple (Acer rubrum), American elm (Ulmus americana) (Kolka et al. 2018), quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), American basswood (Tilia americana), and bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) (Slesak et al. 2014), balsam fir (Abies balsamea), balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera), and speckled alder (Alnus incana) (Youngquist et al. 2020). Black ash, by maintaining low water levels during the growing season, creates conditions under which these other trees can live but not thrive (summary of study by B.J. Palik, USDA Forest Service, here. Most other species lack  the  physiological adaptations of black ash or face pathogenic constraints (e.g., Dutch elm disease on American elm Ulmus americana) (Kolka et al. 2018).

Ash trees in these swamps are uneven-aged with canopy tree ages ranging from 130–232 years (Slesak et al. 2014). This complexity provides important habitat for many wildlife species, including ground beetle community assemblages (Kolka et al. 2018) and an abundance of aquatic macroinvertebrates. These are characterized and dominated by mollusks (Sphaeriidae, Lymnaeidae, Physidae), annelids (Lumbriculidae, Hirudinea), caddisflies (Limnephilidae, Leptoceridae), and dipterans (Chironomidae, Culicidae) (Youngquist et al. 2020).

a black ash swamp; source: Flickr

A major concern is that loss of trees – especially ash – might result in open marshes dominated by grasses, especially lake sedge (Carex lacustris). Conversion to sedge-dominated marshes has been observed in areas where trees have been removed as part of experiments to test various ecosystem responses to loss of the ash component (Slesak et al. 2014). Even if other trees took the place of ash, the substitutes might not support the same animal communities (see below).

Impact of Emerald ash borer and loss of black ash

Black ash is highly susceptibility to the EAB (Engelken and McCullough, 2020), so scientists expect severe impacts of the invasion in ash-dominated wetlands and – to a somewhat lesser extent — in forested stream systems’ riparian areas (Engelken and McCullough, 2020). They expect cascading impacts on 1) hydrology; 2) plant communities; 3) wildlife; 4) Native American cultures; and possibly even storage of carbon in vegetation and soils (Kolka et al. 2018).

            1) Hydrology

Experiments suggest that loss of ash will cause higher water tables, especially during late summer and fall (Kolka et al 2018). This will result from reductions in evapotranspiration as large trees are replaced by shrubs and grasses (see below) (Kolka et al. 2018; Slesak et al. 2014). The higher water table might be exacerbated if higher annual precipitation levels predicted by climate change models occur. On the other hand, these models also predict a simultaneous increase in longer droughts, which might partially counteract higher precipitation and reduced evapotranspiration (Kolka et al. 2018). If they occur, these possible increases in drought length and frequency might enhance the establishment of less water-tolerant non-ash tree species in former black ash wetlands.

            2) Plant Communities

Higher water tables are expected to reduce tree densities and promote conversion to open or shrub-dominated marshes. Several of the possible alternative tree species do not thrive as well as black ash under current conditions (Kolka et al. 2018). However, new hydrologic conditions might make forest restoration even more difficult because herbaceous plants transpire less water than trees, thus exacerbating the rising water tables (Slesak et al. 2014).

In upper Michigan, experiments which killed ash by cutting or girdling did not lead to an increase in growth rates of the remaining canopy species despite the increase in available resources (e.g., sunlight and nutrients) – presumably because of the raised water table (Kolka et al. 2081).

While some studies have found that black ash seedlings and saplings dominated the woody component of the swamp understory up to three years after ash were experimentally removed (Kolka et al. 2018), Engelken and McCullough (2020) found only eight saplings and a single seedling.

Scientists have planted several tree species in experiments to see which might be used to maintain the forested wetlands in the absence of black ash. The results are a confusing mix. Some species grew well once established – but had low levels of seedling establishment. Some trees planted on elevated microsites (hummocks) had the greatest survival and growth rates. (For specific data, see Kolka et al. 2018). A further consideration is tree species’ ability to adapt to warming temperatures already evident and expected to increase in coming decades (Slesak et al. 2014).

Consequently, Slesak et al. (2014) think it is likely that the EAB invasion will alter vegetation dynamics and cause a shift to an altered ecosystem state (e.g., open marsh condition) with higher water tables. They caution that the degree of ecosystem alteration will vary depending on site hydrology, annual precipitation, and period of time necessary for establishment of deeper rooted vegetation.

            3) Wildlife

Moreover, any changes in vegetation will also affect the biota in more subtle ways through altered nutrient cycles. Black ash leaf litter is highly nutritious, having some of the highest nitrogen, phosphorus, and cation contents of any hardwood forest species (Kolka et al. 2018). Black ash leaves also decompose faster than most alternative tree species’ leaves (summary of Palik USDA Forest Service, here;  Youngquist et al. 2018).

Youngquist et al. (2018) studied litter breakdown, litter nutritional quality, and growth of a representative invertebrate litter feeder – larvae of a shredding caddisfly (Limnephilus indivisus). They found that the larvae’s risk of death increased by a factor of three times or more when caddisflies were fed American elm, balsam poplar, or lake sedge leaves compared to black ash leaf litter. Even when the larvae lived – but matured more slowly because of the lower nutrition value of the leaves – they would still be vulnerable because they must reach metamorphosis before pond dry-down. In any planting done to maintain forested quality of wetlands, need to consider the nutritional quality of the leaf litter provided by replacements. Speckled alder was only apparently acceptable substitute; it was second to black ash in acceptability to caddisflies (Youngquist et al. 2020)

In fact, Youngquist et al. (2020) concluded that plant and detritivore biodiversity loss due to EAB invasion could alter productivity and decomposition at rates comparable to other anthropogenic stressors (e.g., climate change, nutrient pollution, acidification). The result will be altered biogeochemical cycles, resource availability, and plant and animal communities.

Scientists are also concerned about the impact of ash tree mortality on forest connectivity. Conversion of wooded swamps to shrub-and sedge-dominated wetlands will result in the loss of important micro-habitats that are already limited across the forested landscape and may also reduce availability of critical habitat for migrating birds. These changes will exacerbate on-going changes in land use in the Great Lakes region that are causing loss of forest habitat and forest homogenization. As yet, the magnitude of the impact on wildlife is unclear (Kolka et al. 2018).

black ash baskets – displayed at 2006 conference
photo by Faith Campbell

            4) Cultural importance – baskets

Native Americans living in the range of black ash have utilized the wood to make baskets and other tools for thousands of years. Baskets had numerous uses, such as packs for carrying items, fish traps, and for preparing food and storing household items. Ash items also had ceremonial uses and they are highly sought as gifts and in trade. The skill needed to select a good tree and work the wood is handed down through the generations and is an important part of tribes’ culture (Benedict 2010).

Discussion of these cultural traditions can be found as Powerpoints here and here.

A video is posted here.

USFS Research Efforts

Concerned by the spread of EAB and probable impact on black ash swamps, the USDA Forest Service has initiated major research studies with the goal of filling in the numerous knowledge gaps and developing management recommendations. A large-scale study using various manipulations to simulate the EAB invasion was initiated in the Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota in 2009. A companion study began in the Ottawa National Forest in Michigan in 2010 (Kolka et al. 2018). The Slesak, Youngquist, and Kolka publications cited in this blog report results of some of the studies in this project. Other studies of black ash conditions, including regeneration, at various stages of the EAB invasion wave are being carried out by Deb McCullough, Nate Siegert, and others. They are working at sites from Michigan to New England (D.G. McCullough, pers. comm.).

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report here.

For a great discussion of black ash basketweavers,  see Anne Bolen, A Silent Killer: Black Ash Basket Makers are Battling a Voracious Beetle to Keep their Heritage Alive, American Indian Magazine,  Spring  2020, available here. 


Benedict, M. 2010. Ecology and the Cultural and Economic Importance of Black ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh) for Native Americans May 2010 https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5191796.pdf

Engelken, P.J. and D.G McCullough. 2020. Riparian Forest Conditions Along Three Northern Michigan Rivers Following Emerald Ash Borer Invasion. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Submitted

Kolka, R.K., A.W. D’Amato, J.W. Wagenbrenner, R.A. Slesak, T.G. Pypker, M.B. Youngquist, A.R. Grinde and B.J. Palik. 2018. Review of Ecosystem Level Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on Black Ash Wetlands: What Does the Future Hold? Forests 2018, 9, 179; doi:10.3390/f9040179 www.mdpi.com/journal/forests

Slesak, R.A., C.F. Lenhart, K.N. Brooks, A.W. D’Amato, and B.J. Palik. 2014. Water table response to harvesting and simulated emerald ash borer mortality in black ash wetlands in MN, USA. Can. J. Forestry. Res. 44:961-968.

Youngquist, M.B., C. Wiley, S.L. Eggert, A.W. D’Amato, B.J. Palik, & R.A. Slesak. 2020. Foundation Species Loss Affects Leaf Breakdown and Aquatic Invertebrate Resource Use in Black Ash Wetlands. Wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at http://treeimprovement.utk.edu/FadingForests.htm

Calamity in Pacific Island Forests

Cycas micronesica
photo by A. Gawel

We know the dire threats to Hawaiian forests from pathogens. Some threaten the most widespread tree – ohia. Others are insects threatening trees and shrubs in the remnant dryland forests.

The forests of smaller islands of the Pacific also appear to be facing severe threats – although I have been unable to find information on the current situation.

Guam and its Neighbors

The forests of Guam, Palau, and others in the Western Pacific are among those threatened.

They are geographically isolated and hard to reach, but that distance has not protected them from biological invaders. Their predicament illustrates the dominant role of global movement and trade in spreading pests. In this case, it’s mostly trade in ornamental plants.

These islands have unique flora and fauna. And true to invasive species experts’ expectations, they are vulnerable to bioinvaders. Guam’s most famous invasive species is the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis), which over a few decades eradicated many bird species and the only native terrestrial mammal, the fruit bat.  

Less known, but equally damaging, have been a group of insects that are decimating Guam’s native forest flora.

The most widespread arboreal species in the forests of Guam and neighboring islands is the Micronesian cycad, Cycas micronesica. Its range is Micronesia, the Marianas Group including Guam and Rota Islands; and several of the western Caroline Islands, e.g., Palau and Yap (Marler, Haynes, and Lindstrom 2010).

These forests have already absorbed severe habitat destruction as the sites of fierce fighting in World War II and – in some cases – construction of large military bases. Still, cycads were the most common species in the forest as late as 2002 (Moore, A., T. Marler, R. Miller, and L. Yudin. Date uncertain).

The Worst Pest: Asian Cycad Scale

The most severe current threat to the cycads are introduced insects, especially the Asian cycad scale Aulacaspis ysumatsui.

The cycad scale is native to Southeast Asia. It was first detected on Guam in 2003, when officials noticed that cycads planted near hotels had begun to die. However, this scale had already been spreading thanks to the trade in ornamental cycads. It was detected in Florida in 1996, on Hawai`i in 1998. It continued to spread rapidly in the western Pacific: to Rota in 2007, Palau in 2008 (University of Guam 2012). By late 2019, the scale had spread globally – numerous islands and neighboring mainland areas in the Caribbean (including Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands), several US states in the Southeast,  California, and Taiwan (Moore, Marler, Miller, and Yudin. Date uncertain.) and South Africa.  (van­Wilgen, et. al. 2020) Also, see the map prepared by CABI.

In every case, the scale has apparently been spread on nursery stock. It is difficult to contain by standard phytosanitary measures – visual inspection – because the scale is tiny and hides deep in the base of the plant’s stiff leaves and other crevices. (Marler and Moore 2010)

By 2005 the scale was killing the native cycad on Guam. Within four years, the millions of C. micronesica on Guam were reduced by more than 90% (Marler, T.E. and K.J. Niklas. 2011). The last time cycads on Guam reproduced in any significant number was in 2004 (Marler and Niklas 2018).

The severe impact of the scale was so rapid that the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) changed its listing of C. micronesica from “near threatened” in 2003 to “endangered” in 2006. (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Online 2008).

Scientists have made several attempts to introduce a biocontrol agent. However, the most promising – the lady beetle Rhyzobius lophanthae – has failed to control the scale, despite having become virtually ubiquitous on Guam. The beetle is too big to reach the significant proportion of scale insects living in small cracks and voids within the plant structures. Evidence from another cycad species indicates that the beetles also don’t prey on scale insects living beneath trichomes (fine hairlike structures on the leaves) or on parts of the plant close to the ground. (Moore, Marler, Miller, and Yudin. Date uncertain.).

Attempts to introduce a second biocontrol organism – the parasitoid wasp Aphytis lignanensis – were stymied by the presence of R. lophanthae (Moore, Marler, Miller, and Yudin. Date uncertain).

Micronesian cycad
photo by Lauren Gutierrez

Other Invasive Species Attacking Cycads

The cycad blue butterfly (Chilades pandava) was detected in 2005 and spread throughout Guam within months (IUCN 2009). Also, it’s been found on Saipan (1996) and Rota (2006). The butterfly is native to southern Asia from Sri Lanka to Thailand and Indonesia. High populations can cause complete defoliation of new foliage. Repeated defoliations can kill the plant. Cycads on Guam are particularly vulnerable because the scale has already caused loss of most of their leaves. Butterfly larvae are often protected by ants (Anonymous).

On cultivated plants the butterfly can be controlled by microbial insecticides containing Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Moore). Scientists at the University of Guam are exploring use of injected insecticides (Moore). They have found an egg parasite, but parasitism levels are low. Any biocontrol agent targetting larvae would have to contend with the ants (Anonymous).

A longhorned beetle (Dihammus (Acalolepta) marianarum) and a snail (Satsuma mercatorius) are also feeding on the cycads (Marler 2010).

The Indo-Malayan termite Schedorhinotermes longirostris was detected in 2011. The termites weaken the cycad stems, which are then toppled by feeding by introduced deer. The termites are also damaging the cycad’s reproductive structures (megastrobili). Termite attacks on cycads surprised scientists since cycads do not form true wood. The termite had probably been introduced recently because, as of 2011, it had been detected only near the Andersen Air Force Base airport (Marler, Yudin, and Moore 2011).

More Isolated – but Still Overrun

Scattered across the Pacific are groups of atolls, including Palmyra and Rose.

Despite their distance from other islands, they have all been visited by mariners for centuries. As a result, they have non-native species, including insects that attack trees.

Pisonia tree forest – Wikimedia

The tree most affected is pisonia – Pisonia grandis. 

The principal insect is another scale, Pulvinaria urbicola. There are some reports that the scale is farmed by ants; species mentioned include several introduced species such as the yellow crazy ant, Paratrechina longicornis.

The scale is probably from the West Indies. Once it reached the Pacific, it might have been distributed to additional islands on seabirds, which travel long distances between the atolls.

The scale’s impact is unclear.

At first, in the mid-2000s, impacts seemed dire. It was reported to be causing widespread tree death on Palmyra and Rose atolls, islands around northeastern Australia, in the Seychelles, and possibly in Tonga.

However, in 2018, scientists reported that eradication of rats on Palmyra Atoll had resulted in an immediate spurt of reproduction of a tree. Numbers of “native, locally rare tree” seedlings (possibly but not explicitly said to be Pisonia grandis) jumped from 140 pre-eradication to 7,756 post-eradication (in 2016). The study made no mention of the scale.

Rose Atoll has only one small island (6.6 ha) with vegetation. Before 1970, it was dominated by Pisonia grandis, but by 2012, there were only seven trees on the island. Several possible causes of this decline have been suggested. Other than the scale, suggested causes include storms, drought, rising sea level / saltwater incursion, and imbalance of bird guano-derived nutrients in the soil. [All information about Rose Atoll is from Peck et al., 2014)

A survey carried out in April 2012 and November 2013 detected 73 species of arthropods from 20 orders on Rose Island, including nine ant species (all but one non-native). Two of these ants – Tetramorium bicarinatum and T. simillimum – were detected tending the scales on Pisonia.

The survey found no evidence of natural enemies of the Pulvinaria scales.

The scientists tested treatment of Pisonia with the systemic insecticide imidacloprid. This treatment apparently reduced scale populations considerably for several months, but then they began to build up again.

In contrast to Palmyra, Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans) were eliminated from Rose Atoll in 1990–1991 – so their role in destroying the trees had ended 20 years before the study. What does the continued decline of the Pisonia trees in subsequent decades suggest for the future of Pisonia trees on Palmyra?

I have sought updates on the tree-pest situations on Guam and the other Pacific islands, but my queries have not received a reply.


Anonymous. 2015. Cycad blue butterfly fact sheet.

Brooke, USFWS, pers. comm. June 3, 2005

CABI November 2019. Aulacaspis yasumatsui (cycad aulacaspis scale (CAS)) or the Asian cycad scale. https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/18756   (was formerly Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB) International; now apparently just uses acronym)

Marler, T.E. pers. comm. August 15, 2012

Marler, T.E. 2010. Cycad mutualist offers more than pollen transport. American Journal of Botany, 2010; 97 (5): 841. Viewed as materials provided by University of Guam, via EurekAlert; accessed 6 August, 2012.

Marler, T., Haynes, J. & Lindstrom, A. 2010. Cycas micronesica. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010: e.T61316A12462113. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-3.RLTS.T61316A12462113.en Accessed 22 April, 2020.

Marler, T.E., and A. Moore. 2010. Cryptic Scale Infestations on Cycas revoluta Facilitate Scale Invasions. HortScience. 2010; 45 837-839. Retrieved August 6, 2012 from www.eurekalert.org

Marler, T.E., L.S. Yudin, A. Moore. 1 September 2011. Schedorhinotermes longirostris (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) on Guam Adds to Assault on the Endemic Cycas micronesica.   https://bioone.org/journals/florida-entomologist/volume-94/issue-3/024.094.0339/Schedorhinotermes-longirostris-Isoptera–Rhinotermitidae-on-Guam-Adds-to-Assault/10.1653/024.094.0339.full

Marler, T.E. and K.J. Niklas. 2011. Reproductive Effort and Success of Cycas micronesica K.D. Hill Are Affected by Habitat. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011; 172 (5): 700. Viewed as materials provided by University of Guam, via EurekAlert; accessed 6 August, 2012.

Moore, A. Cycad blue butterfly fact sheet. http://www.guaminsects.net/gisac2015/index.php?title=Cycad_blue_butterfly_fact_sheet accessed 20-4/24

Moore, A., T. Marler, R. Miller, and L. Yudin. Date? Biological Control of Cycad Scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui, Attacking Guam’s Endemic Cycad, Cycas micronesica. Western Pacific Tropical Research Center University of Guam. Powerpoint  http://guaminsects.myspecies.info/sites/guaminsects.myspecies.info/files/CycadScaleBiocontrolAustin.pdf

Peck, R., P. Banko, F. Pendleton, M. Schmaedick, and K. Ernsberger. 2014. Arthropods of Rose Atoll with Special Reference to Ants and Pulvinaria urbicola scales (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on Pisonia grandis trees. Hawaii Cooperative Studies Unit. University of Hawaii. Technical Report HCSU-057 December 2014

University of Guam (2012, August 2). Invasive insects cause staggering impact on native tree. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 6, 2012, from www.sciencedaily.com-/releases/2012/08/120803094527.htm).

 van­Wilgen, B.W.,J. ­Measey, D.­M. ­Richardson, J.R. ­Wilson,  T.A. Zengeya­. Editors. 2020. Bioinvasions in South Africa. Invading Nature. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 14.

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at http://treeimprovement.utk.edu/FadingForests.htm These reports do not include details on the pest situation on the Pacific islands (including Hawai`i).

Beech Leaf Disease – Inspect Trees for Symptoms! Help Determine the Extent of this Disease

Beech trees have leafed out – so now is the time to search for symptoms of beech leaf disease.

Since its first detection near Cleveland in 2012, BLD has now been detected in 40 counties in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Ontario.  (see map)

I ask your help now because homeowners detected the outbreaks in Connecticut in 2019. (It is often homeowners or curious citizens who detect outbreaks of tree-killing pests.)

What to look for – symptoms:

  • Dark bands between lateral veins of leaves. Banding is most apparent when viewing from below, looking upwards into the canopy. Banding is evident immediately upon leaf-out in the spring.
  • Aborted bud development and reduced leaf production.
  • Later stages result in heavily banded-darkened leaves that are thickened and leathery in texture, often with shriveled or curled edges.

All range of symptoms can be present on the same branch. Symptoms on individual leaves do not advance over the course of the summer. Severely affected leaves can drop off as summer progresses, sometimes as early as June. So the early season – now – is the best time to search.

Cleveland MetroParks has posted a pest alert (from last year), a report on symptom progression  with good photos, and instructions for participating in the Beech Tree Health Survey. Survey apps are available as iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tree-health-survey/id1498515762 or Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KentState.TreeHealth&hl=en_US

Go to https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/parks/education/publications and scroll down to the Beech Leaf Disease section (it is in large font so you won’t miss it).

Where to look? See the map of the range of American beech.

Range of American beech; source Wikimedia

In addition to checking American beech (Fagus grandifolia), also examine European beech (F. sylvatica), and Oriental beech (F. orientalis).

I encourage you to use one of the apps. However, if you are not but see something suspicious, send me a picture by using the “contact us” button. I will take a quick look, consult with experts, and – if they see what appear to be symptoms – they will tell me and I will tell you how to contact plant health authorities in your state or province.

 Remember to include your email and phone number in your message to me – the “contact” form by itself does not provide sufficient information for me to respond to you.

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at http://treeimprovement.utk.edu/FadingForests.htm