Peter Jenkins, Phyllis Windle, and Faith Campbell met in 1991 – Phyllis and Peter were coauthors of the seminal 1993 Office of Technology Assessment study Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in the United States; Faith was an advisor. This report is now more than 25 years old – but unfortunately much of what it said about the weaknesses of U.S. invasive species policy is still relevant. A decade later, Peter, Phyllis, and Faith led the formation of the National Environmental Coalition On Invasive Species.
Peter Jenkins has resigned from the board of the Center for Invasive Species Prevention due to demands of other obligations.
Phyllis Windle holds a Ph.D. in plant and insect ecology. She has more than 20 years’ experience in the science and policy of invasive species. While heading the Union of Concerned Scientists’ invasive species project, she helped organize a scientists’ call to action that resulted in creation of the National Invasive Species Council. Phyllis has published numerous articles.
Faith Campbell holds a Ph.D. in politics. She has worked as an environmental advocate for 40 years, specializing in invasive species for 30 of those years.
Faith has published three reports on non-native forest pests (available here). She also served two terms on the federal Invasive Species Advisory Committee.
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